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WinMX World Community => Nice To Meet You! => Topic started by: Roxi on August 19, 2008, 02:29:46 am

Title: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: Roxi on August 19, 2008, 02:29:46 am
My name is Roxi and i live in fl. i hate the restrictions on ares so i decided to find something new to use. so far im having major problems like connecting to i guess the primary connection, so if anyone could helpme with that that would be great.

Other then that i enjoy shopping, yoga, partying, dling music, and the hillz.

if you wanna know anything else just ummm reply or send me a message!

peace and love!
Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: reef on August 19, 2008, 03:29:26 am
Hi Roxi welcome to WinMX and WinMX World. If you downloaded WinMX from anywhere other than here (http:// it might be a good idea to re-download and re-install it from there. And just remember WinMX is free... always was and always will be.  :)

If this doesn't help please provide more information such as O/S... firewalls/antiviruses...other security programs....connection type (cable/dialup/dsl/etc) ...modem/router and any other info that might help get you sorted out.

Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: Roxi on August 19, 2008, 05:35:18 pm
Thanks reef!  i didnt think anyone was gonna help me. its so sweet of you to offer.  OK, so im not super great with laptops and this whole configuration thing, but im willing to like change software if i have to.  

I went ahead and uninstalled the version that i had before and went with the 3.54 vista installer. I went through the whole process over again and it seems like i cant get the ports to listen right.  i don't know what im doing wrong!  :(

OK so this i know. Im own a dell and it runs a Vista 64-bit, i took off the Norton that was preinstalled and went with avg security suite 8.0 because i thought it would be the easiest program to work with because i read a few of the posts and it just seemed like avg was the easiest to configure...which it turns out to not be.  I also have the vista security off, so i hope that's a good thing.  As for connections...i have both a cable connection through a modem and i have wifi also.  The cable modem is a webstar and i don't use it much, but if i have to its not hard to connect in.

Like i said before, im willing to go off any recommendations that you have as far as software i should use that works with the vista 64-bit.

so again, any help would be much appreciated!  

Roxi <3
Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: reef on August 19, 2008, 08:23:21 pm
Hi Roxi unfortunately i know very little about Vista. I'm sure somebody will reply here and help get you sorted out  :)

In the meantime heres a good tutorial on setting winmx up in vista's firewall ... you might want to have a look.. (

You also might want to try connecting as Secondary (if you haven't already). A Secondary connection works just as well.

Not being able to connect at all (not getting the green light) sounds like a firewall blocking winmx... so hopefully allowing winmx in any firewalls you have will at least get you connected. Add it to the exceptions list. Post back with your results and if your still unable to connect, somebody will get ya fixed up here soon.  :yes:

Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: Roxi on August 19, 2008, 08:41:14 pm
Thanks Reef!

You've been such a great help! i wont forget it. i can use the secondary for now, its not a problem.  Hopefully some vista nut, maybe bill gates :P , will figure it out.

Again, thanks for all your help!

Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: reef on August 19, 2008, 10:42:26 pm
Your welcome Roxi.... i was under the impression that you couldnt get a green light at all on either primary or secondary. But now knowing that you can connect it sounds more like a port forwarding issue than it does firewall. Heres a guide (the only guide i could find for a Webstar Modem) it might not be exactly the same as yours but should be similar. Anyways have a look at try following the steps.... if this still doesnt help .... wait for the cavalry to arrive lol (

Heres another guide that might help you out..... (

Good Luck  :)

Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: Roxi on August 19, 2008, 11:21:31 pm
Thank again Reef! your a lifesaver.

Granted that stuff goes over my head just a tab bit  :P

Im sure the secondary connection is fine...rite?  lets hope so for my sake!

again...thanks alot!!!!

Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: turbotaxi on August 20, 2008, 04:25:36 am
Hi Roxi,
         My Username is Turbotaxi...New Here Too. Been on WinMx for 10 years,I guess, but never joined a forum till now. I live in Florida too. The reason I joined this forum is to see if anyone has a better ripping program to prepare DVD's to add movies and videos to my library to share on WinMX. I have used a multitude of various programs searching for the fastest and easiest one to use. I (like a lot of other people, probably) have procrastinated in converting DVD's to smaller files such as AVI or DiVX suitable for sharing just because of the length of time and hastle involved to create a quality file. Is there anyone here that has experienced my dilemma and found a solution? Is there anyone here who would be generous enough to create a clear, concise tutorial of the programs they use? I have a couple  of thousand files I am sharing in my library now and I have many more than that waiting to be converted if someone would be kind enough to share their software with me. My hat's off to all those who have made the effort to make WinMX what it is and brought it back to life.
Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: turbotaxi on August 20, 2008, 05:36:07 am
Turbotaxi here again, thought about your connection problem. I don't use Vista but I believe the modified WinMX setup I'm sending you should work and automatically configure you for a primary connection as it does for me. Don't be discouraged if you can only get a secondary connection. The differences are so minor you won't notice any big thing in performance. There are a lot of great people that are and have been on WinMX. This is a great hobby. I truly enjoy sharing with my friends here. Welcome, enjoy...If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. If you have trouble locating is my EMail     [Edit by tig removed email addy to protect the user]
Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: Roxi on August 21, 2008, 01:39:28 am
Thanks turbotaxi!

hopefully when the school thing slows down ill be able to learn more about the systems and how to configure them.  Cant wait to read more of your future posts :P

As always

Title: Re: New here...sooo hi!
Post by: mic jones on January 28, 2009, 12:37:37 am
hi i`m new too..nice to meet you