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WinMX Help => WinMX on current Windows Versions => Topic started by: AMOCO on November 30, 2008, 05:23:25 pm
Hi all,Here is the deal.I'm running Vista x86 on 1 computer & x64 on the other,When I download anything in full it still says the download is incomplete,So i have to manually go into properties of that file & rename it(or delete the portion the says incomplete).Also when I delete the file in WinMX,It will not delete it in my music file,Like it does in Windows XP.Anyone have solutions or fixes for this issue.
There are two known issues with WinMX and Vista.
One is the Transfers not loading on restart, the second is the issue with them not showing as complete after they are definatly complete.
To fix the first issue
Go to My Computer > Then go to the main drive (usually this is C Drive) Here make a folder and call it what ever you like, for example 'My Downloads' or just 'Downloads'.
Now you will need to open your old folder where WinMX was previously storing your Incomplete files, usually in 'My Documents > Music'
(Alternatively you can also go to the Transfers screen now and click the button that says 'Open Incoming Files Folder', if your unsure where its located)
Copy all your files from this folder into the new folder you made at My Computer > C Drive > 'Downloads' (or the name you gave it).
Now open WinMX > Settings > File Transfers, at the top right side you will see 'Incoming Files Folder' Click on the 'change' button now and browse to the new folder you made (example C:\Downloads).
Once your incompletes are in this folder, you'll be able to use the 'Load Incompletes' button located on the 'Transfers Screen' to Load them, keep in mind however that they will all need to have the 'Auto Enter Que' and 'Auto Find Sources' levels set (AEQ - 100 and AFS - 10min) in order for WinMX to 'know' to load them on the restart.
The second known issue is that annoying Incomplete tag left when you know for a fact that these files are complete. What is happening is Vista is not allowing WinMX to change the name appropriately, the cure is to give both WinMX folder in C:\Program Files\WinMX & your new Incoming Files Folder (example C:\Downloads) administrative rights.
Here is a guide for that with Vista follow the same procedure for both folders.
As for deleting the file completely from the WinMX Screen that maybe solved by giving admin rights to the WinMX folder (be sure to give those to both folders) but I can't swear to that as this is not a problem that I've encountered on the site, but it makes sense that having admins rights will allow the files to be deleted from the WinMX Screen, so let me know about that one too
Thank u for your support.
Hi, ive just d/led ascii picture maker again, as i have a new lappy and running this on victa, but it wont open up, is it cos its on vista? ..... Femmie.
sorry i meant vista :P
Hi Femmie,
I'm not entirely sure if that program has an issue being used on vista or not, many ( I would assume) from the archive may indeed have compatiblity issues with vista.
If you would give me the link to the exact program you are tying to use, I'll see if I can get one of our regular vista users to test it for you.
Hi , the link is , the programme is ascii pictrue maker 1.0. Thankyou for trying to help, much appreciated
josh uses you may need to install an older .NET Framework to use his programs. i had to download version 2 to use his room fluffer.
ty, can u tell me where i can get it from plzzzzzzzzzzz
microsoft of course. <-- version 2.0 <-- version 1.1 <-- version 3.0 <-- version 3.5
you shouldnt need version 3 or 3.5 as they werent even out when the program was written i merely posted them as a resource if someone ever comes looking for it
ty so much, will go and look now, much appreciated :)
<------------- pc illiterate hehehe
:( didnt work, it still saying Component 'RICHTX32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered:a file is missing or invalid when i try to open it :no: :(
ill tell josh to come tae a look at this thread when he come son msn for you
ty xxxxxxxxxx
This program was made in vb6, so it does require some extra files.. :death:, Vista does support vb6 programs, but it only comes with the main runtime files, hence why they call it "vb6 ready". You need to register each extra ocx file yourself to make it work. I had a hard time trying to do this so I have found this website that tells you how to do this.
or just put the file in the folder with the programme and run the programme as administrator. time to make a new installer josh lol. keep with the times gheesh lol :P
or just put the file in the folder with the programme and run the programme as administrator. time to make a new installer josh lol. keep with the times gheesh lol :P
That never worked when I had vista.
Well im a guinea pig if you want to try it.
ty so much, lol if u had hard time im gonna fail, but ill give it a go xxxxxxxxxx
This prolly isnt a good place for it and i dont know how well these work.
But if you want to convert it to C++ i found this site with some translators
i dont see a direct VB to C++ but looks you can go from vb to C# to C++
worth a shot if you want to take the easy way out
i feel i need to comment those are also very pricey
or are they?
Paying for crap like that is just a waste of money. No need for it anyways.
This program was made in vb6, so it does require some extra files.. :death:, Vista does support vb6 programs, but it only comes with the main runtime files, hence why they call it "vb6 ready". You need to register each extra ocx file yourself to make it work. I had a hard time trying to do this so I have found this website that tells you how to do this.
I am having a problem registering the OCX file and getting the following error: The Module "C:\Windows\system32\RICHTX32.OCX" may not be compatible with the version of widows that you're running. Check the Module is compatible with x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64 bit) version of regsvr32.exe. Please Help
you are running cmd as admin right?