shareguard is a small bot that only scans files of users in the room, you set the file tipes you want it to find, like if you dont want porn in the room your triggers could be:
then it would spot these files if they are there and anounce in the room the users name and the file before auto kicking that user (bot has to have kick power)
here is a script for the metis bot that reacts to the announcement that sharegard makes, the same triggers must be in metis that are in sharegard for it to work.
in shareguard settings there is an announcement box and a kick box, the following line goes in the announcement (top) box
Name is %NAME% File Is %FILE%
the kick box you should leave blank
metis will react on Name is %NAME% and on File Is %FILE% as they are two seperate commands but the name will be recognised IF the file matches in metis
this is the one i use (edited for the forum) in an fxs colour room, edit how you feel
<command type="script" usergroup="bot" case="0">
<in>Name is %PARAM%</in>
<out type="push" extdata="2">%PARAM%</out>
<command type="script" usergroup="bot" case="0">
<in>File Is %PARAM%</in>
<out type="push" extdata="1">0</out>
<out type="break" condition="1" lvalue="%USERVAR[1]%" rvalue="1"></out>
<out delay="100" type="push" extdata="1" condition="_?" lvalue="%PARAM%" rvalue="cumshot">1</out>
<out delay="100" type="push" extdata="1" condition="_?" lvalue="%PARAM%" rvalue="c**t">1</out>
<out delay="100" type="push" extdata="1" condition="_?" lvalue="%PARAM%" rvalue="d!ldo">1</out>
<out delay="100" type="push" extdata="1" condition="_?" lvalue="%PARAM%" rvalue="fisting">1</out>
<out delay="100" type="push" extdata="1" condition="_?" lvalue="%PARAM%" rvalue="f**king">1</out>
<out delay="100" type="push" extdata="1" condition="_?" lvalue="%PARAM%" rvalue="lesbian">1</out>
<out delay="100" type="push" extdata="1" condition="_?" lvalue="%PARAM%" rvalue="porn">1</out>
<out delay="1000" type="normal" condition="1" lvalue="%USERVAR[1]%" rvalue="1"> \n #c8#WARNING #c2#PORN FILES DETECTED #c8#WARNING #c2#PORN FILES DETECTED #c8#WARNING \n </out>
<out type="normal" condition="1" lvalue="%USERVAR[1]%" rvalue="1">%USERVAR[2]%</out>
<out delay="5000" type="normal" condition="1" lvalue="%USERVAR[1]%" rvalue="1"> #c1#The Rules Are #c11#REMOVE #c14#OR #c15#UNSHARE #c16#ALL #c17#PORN #c18#BEFORE #c20#ENTRY!! </out>
<out delay="5000" condition="1" lvalue="%USERVAR[1]%" rvalue="1"> #c1# %USERVAR[2]% #c1#You And Your Porn Are Not Wanted Here!! </out>
<out delay="5000" condition="1" lvalue="%USERVAR[1]%" rvalue="1">/kick %USERVAR[2]% </out>