What we need is one of the big manufacturers to step forward and offer a fair and honest pricing policy for their products, i have in the past purchased Sony products, i wont again, apart from anything else, i think they are overpriced compared to other brands.
(Although having recently seen the new portable playstation, i was very tempted by the Darkside
As for companies such as Dixons, you didnt hear them moaning when chains such as theirs put the "little" family run electrical stores outta business by undercutting them, yet when someone uses the internet to undercut their prices they start jumping up and down, i hate hypocrisy. I will now more than ever pop into my local dixons, check out the product i wish to buy and then go home and order it online at a nice discount. Anyway, i dont see Dixons problem, they have their own online business, and if they fail to match other websites prices thats their own issue, not that of the customer or the manufacturer.