It seems this story is about a report that's fresh from the "I have been paid to say this dept", NPD are obviously after taking the cartels money again. NPD Group published a rather surprising survey on P2P use: since LimeWire was shut down, file-sharing use has fallen into the single digits in North America.
Recent statistics on file-sharing usage seem to disagree with this assessment. If you recall, Sandvine published an Internet bandwidth study, breaking down file-sharing by protocol. According their study, in North America, BitTorrent consumes ~8.4% of all download bandwidth, while Gnutella consumes about ~2.1%.
Whilst its pretty clear some users of Limewire will have moved on its pretty unlikely they will have moved far from the fold after all the gnutella network is not just a single client network and I,m sure many of those who dumped Limewire are now using Frostwire or Shareaza or one of the many others clients that allow them to access the same content.
Most reports are consistently reporting increases in file sharing year on year so it will be interesting to see just how NPD "interpretted" its data to make this claim.
For those who have time to waste