It seems someone is doing their job EU laws on net neutrality may be necessary to stop internet service providers (ISPs) from infringing individuals' data protection and privacy rights, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has said.
The traffic inspection required to operate systems that breach net neutrality principles and prioritise some content over other content could violate privacy and data protection rights, he said.
Peter Hustinx said that EU telecoms regulators should monitor whether ISPs are complying with EU data protection and privacy laws when managing communications across their networks. Net neutrality is the principle that an ISP will deliver all content requested by a customer equally, not allowing content producers which pay it to have preferential access to its subscribers.
This is something that concerns many netizens myself included, it stands to reason that without spying on our traffic illegally how can the ISP companies throttle or restrict our net activity, often in an underhand manner may I add. The answer of course is that they use small caveats in the law to do just that and while they think no ones watching them undertake this semi-legal activity its nice to see that they in turn are under watchful scrutiny