A fine article here on just which companies are busy watching your back and which ones sell you down the river when theres a dispute .
https://www.eff.org/press/releases/which-service-providers-side-users-ip-disputesThe Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today released a new report and scorecard that shows what online service providers are doing to protect users from baseless copyright and trademark complaints.
"When a private citizen or corporation wants to silence speech on a major online platform, the quickest method is often a copyright or trademark complaint," EFF Director of Copyright Activism Parker Higgins said. "EFF has worked for many years to help people whose speech is unfairly targeted by these sorts of complaints, and we've seen how important it is that speech platforms have policies that help protect lawful users."
EFF examined 13 companies and issued stars if they met the baseline standards for what a service can do to defend its users' speech against copyright and trademark bullies.
Here's the nice chart they have created.
https://www.eff.org/pages/who-has-your-back-copyright-trademark-2014It looks like Tumblr is the lamest duck, if you haven't heard of them already then this is a good reason to not bother