looks like Sony has officially started their recall of XPC CDs, offering a refund or a replacement of CDs without hte copy proteciotn and an MP3. In eiditon, they're offering a free CD for anyone with MediaMax... I might cash that one in myself for the System of a Down CD/DVD ::EVIL:: aThey're also offering updated installers for both XPC and (FINALLY!) MediaMax. I have no idea if they're free of security flaws or not, but they're at least here. Also, the information on both copy portectiopns can be easily located on the main SonyBMG website. This is quite a step from before, where the uninstaller page was buried with no links to get to it and an installer you had to email them for. So far it looks like they're doing all they could reasonably be expected to do regarding XCP, but I'm not at all pleased with their responses for MediaMax.