the best thing for the network is for the correct ammount of primaries, too many or too few both cause serious problems for the network - although it can tollorate too many a bit better than it can handle too few
too few primaries and secondary users have a problem connecting because the primaries are all full
too many primaries and the network becomes really spread out, searches will only spread a certain distance across the network so if the users are too spread out then searches will reach many fewer users, causing obvious performance problems... as well as the other fact that there are many people wasting bandwidth with primary connections that would be more useful is used to share files
the natural balance of the number of users who want to run primary for various reasons and those that want to run secondary for various reasons seems to be about right, as the average primary is getting reasonably full of secondaries (meaning there aren't too many primaries) but at the same time secondary users aren't having many problems connecting (so there aren't too few primaries) - of course those primaries using hosts files to connect and not blocking flooders don't handle any secondary users so don't help anyone, but it's best to avoid that subject because vladd and co don't like it when people mention how much they are harming the network... lol