Do you have a router or dsl modem?
Often those are the culprit for blocking ports that would make searches not work.
Also some antivirus can also block this, for example Norton 2005 Worm protection.
If you have a router or dsl modem you need to open the ports WinMx uses, you can find the information to get you started here: forget to check your XP firewall also, this one is often forgotten when using a software one, and its also famous for enabling itself.
If you need information configuring this look here: Norton Worm Protection read through this: this is all done you should be able to connect as primary and get good search results. If this still fails you can always make a 'Passive Secondary' connection by going into WinMx Settings > Internet Connection > Incoming TCP ..set this to Unable. Then set In/Out UDP.. set to Unable.. then restart your WinMx in Secondary mode.
The message: Currently Blocking Flooders to Protect The Network means just that. Your doing your part to protect this Network from the RIAA by using the patch that blocks them for you..