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Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« on: March 27, 2006, 10:29:08 am »
Ok folks, well you've all had quite i say, i guess i should respond, i'll just start simple, and it doesnt get much more simple than Bug:

Bughunter AKA Icrdragon wrote:

"Ug ug ug blah blah blah KM ug ug ug i blah ug blah love ug ug ug him blah blah"

Good luck with the 11+ exam Ice,  i think your going to need it, also puperty is tough too, so good luck with both...

Omega wrote referirng to Pieteam

"And to think....I almost joined that team"

Yeah i'm delighted with your choice.....

Omega wrote:

"Well im on a much better team now"

Hmmm im not so sure thats true, lets hear from Mac (one of the few decent senior folks here other than KM ofc) to define what makes the "best team" shall we?

TheMacDaddy Wrote:

"The users will decide in the end   not some little bitching contest......"

So i wonder just what the user percentage split Pie / .dll is hmmmm im sure KM or Ghost can leap in here and prove who the users decided, last figures i saw were around 65% Pie.

Now i guess we move onto ghost:

Ghostship wrote referring to Nobby:

"like yourself and the rest of the pie leadership who took no action to halt the assisted network flooding for 4 months"

false accusation/lie #1

I have never assisted network flooding, and campaigned hard within Pie to get some blocking into place, you dont have access to my private logs so you cannot possibly know what i did or didnt do.

Ghost ship wrote

"Your team preffered a pissing contest"

Started by a user called Coaldust, anyone know who that is?

Ghostship wrote:

"Nobby not only do you not apologise for taking part in an attack on winmx........"

false accusation/lie#2

I have never in anyway attacked Winmx

Ghostship wrote referring to Nobby:

"supporting an anti winmx agenda"

The agenda i support is here its plain to see even Icedragon can understand it,  hmmm ok that might be pushing it, but its simple for an adult and is in no way Anti winmx and its in 14 languages, i contributed to a number of areas on that site.

Ghostship wrote referring to Nobby:

"try to erase your wrongdoing"

false accusation/lie #3
As i have done no "wrongdoing" trying to "erase" MY wrongdoing is going to be tough, hmmm now who can i think of who has
deleted all their posts from the crucial time frames in Question?

(Note to reader, Ghostship now promotes himself from False accuser to Judge & Jury)

Self appointed Winmx Judge & Jury Ghostship then writes:

"I have asked you to prove to everyone that you did not stand in the way of our anti flooding work along with your pie collegues, you have provided nothing here yet , unlike Vladd I set no time limit or threats"

How gracious your self appointed honour, ty from my heart for allowing the opportunity to prove my innocence. Ermmmmm whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty, guess that doesnt apply here, silly me.

Self appointed Winmx Judge & Jury Ghostship then writes:

"You have been offered cordially the opportunity to prove your credentials"

Wow a second chance ty sir ty sir your too kind

Self appointed Winmx Judge and Jury Ghost ship writes:

"Attacking this network is the charge Nobby"

Damn that sounds serious, back to the diplomacy i see Ghost, never your strong point, thats a very serious accusation, i look forward to your dossier proving this accusation, or an apology and withdrawl, as its a LIE i know we wont see a dossier, and i doubt we will see an apology, i guess its just more spin and hot air.

Self appointed Winmx Judge and Jury Ghostship wrote:

"Folks, I have asked Nobby 3 times to provide something to back his claims of not being a member of the anti winmx pie team that attacked this sites server, this forum and many of the members here for asking nothing more than why they refused to provide anti flooding advice"

If there is a charge anywhere i am a member of the pie team, then i come clean, i am a member. As for attacking site servers and forums, yet another serious allergation, please provide evidence i took any such actions???  Also do no take my addmitance as being a Pie member as proof i took part in everything any other pie member ever did, to do so would be idiotic, unless ofc you wish to share responsibility for everyone in your team too, and pm's i have suggest you most definatly would not want that, hmm cant think why, lol

Self appointed Winmx Judge and Jury Ghostship wrote:

"For those that like a good mystery story today the winmxworld chat room was attacked for the first time ever, a coincidence?"

You gonna lay that at my door also?? Let see the proof please?

I suppose we should hear from the lady of the house:

Mehere wrote:

"If you cant take the heat of the choices you made dont come here looking for sympathy.. you wont find it with me"

I dont seek your sympathy, youve got to be kidding? lol, all i seek is the truth and justice and right now, Ghost is running around making unfounded accusations left right and centre, all im doing is calling him on em, its my right, seeing as its me he is lieing about. He himself has done the same in the past. MANY times and i might add in a much more aggressive manner putting countless users off Winmx along the way.

Mehere then wrote:

"You want to say 'well pie did nothing for months, because nothing was good enough, (even though you wound up using basically the same solution we asked you to in the first place), but thats all ok cause i asked or begged"

Firstly, dont tell me what i want to say, you have no way to know that, secondly although it APPEARS to you that the basically same solution to block is being used, thats actually far from the full story, but im not supposed to tell you about the other thing so i wont ermmmm prolly said too much already, but dont fall into the trap of proclaiming when you arent aware of all the facts, you woulda thought your state of the art monitoring of the network woulda filled u in, guess its not quite is state of the art as you think.

And just a little snippet from the court jester Bughunter aka Icedragon:


Thanks again Bug....

Anyway back to the false accuser:

Ghostship wrote:

"Much as you dont like my ways I have a good track record, lets see yours"

As you were the architect to arguably the most damaging and dividing anti winmx user campaign ever seen, i agree your track record in this field is masterful, and i dont dislike all your ways, the vast percentage of the work you do is unbelievably good.

For my track record, lets call on an old friend of yours.

Coal dust aka Ghostship wrote:

"If you want to flame Nobby do so using facts not inuendo"

perhaps its time you applied Coals wise words to your own lieing flame attacks?

or when referring to Nobby:

"I will make enquiries on your behalf as I believe in your honesty"

"Thanx for trying Nobby I know you have the wpn in your heart"

and then ofc to reinforce this:

Coal dust aka Ghostship wrote:

"If you wish to visit our forum a supervisor place will be open for you as you have always been more than fair in your
dealings with me, honesty is all I ever ask anyone for"

More than fair? Honest? wpn in your heart?

Why ty Coal/Ghost, those kind fair and accurate comments from your own tounge do a little to reduce the amount of Lies and false accusations you have levied against me over the last couple of days at least.

There are many more inconsitancies in many or your comments, i have page after page of supporting evidence for this, i even have the original proposal i submitted well prior to Pies formation, calling for action to be taken to remove the Riaa from our network and some proposed measures to acheive that, with serveral references to PG2 as an option, but i dont wanna bore
you with the TRUTH, Ghosts false accusations, and Icedragons continuing toddler style scrawlings are way more are a few ideas:

- i have'nt heard the one about how i am an Riaa agent for a while - this one takes a certain lack of a brain, perhaps Icedragon wants to take a shot at that one?

- I have'nt heard the one about how Pie are "changing the name of Winmx to MXpie in order to take over winmx" - lol thats a classic, as is now proved totall rubbish especially during the current time period where your all quick to vote on a poll as to how long b4 pie is no more? so which is to be folks are we taking over Winmx or arent we? this is gonna take some serious argueing, i think Mehere perfect for this one.

And last but not least perhaps someone wants to take a shot at a rant including theses timeless classic lines.........

1. We cant blame the Riaa, their agents, FC, Kevin, or the fact nobodys taken the RIaa to court for their illegal actions, i know lets blame Pie team.

2. Burying my head in the sand, i can see clearly that if we block the Riaa they will leave as alone to grow a huge network of p2p users, they wont use ANY other tactic, once their IPs are blocked, its game over.

- Or perhaps another classic for Bug, Vladd and Pie team are all sipping drinks in the Caribean thanks to a few google ads, rather odd considering Icedragon seems to think this:

"your forum is pathetic me_here handles more quieries in 10 minutes from users then your forum does in a week"

"profiting from users seeking help"

Lol i think your got a bit mixed up Ice, go ask teacher she will help you out.


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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2006, 12:50:15 pm »
I have not the time you seem to have spare to read or reply to all this Nobby.

Folks if you want to read everything in the context it was written intead of snippets that nobby has used out of context please go to Vldd44 site and read the back pages it should be clear to most people from the dates of any postings who has said what and when.

I view this as a poor attempt to disrupt this sites efforts to unite all users together, but regardless, your efforts will be left here for folks to see in public what we have to put up with in private.

When you wish to do something to help the community please drop me a message Nobby we have developments, blocklists, and on and off forum activities continuing that are using up a lot of my time so please dont be upset if I cannot spare the time I used to be able to in replying to you.

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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2006, 01:07:54 pm »
I suspected you would never withdraw your LIES or apologise, and thats fine, thats your choice,  they have been exposed, at least users can see you for what you are. This has been a regretable thread Ghost ,started as often by the same user, i hope at least you now realize that others have just as much right as you to defend themselves. I will stick by my original commitment, i have already as a gesture of goodwill removed the mirror of my comments from Vladds site. I will not go on about this any further, unless ofc further attacks are made, or inresponse to specific requests for information, i will not withold the truth.

lol and no Ghost, i wont be upset if you dont reply, you've said more than enough already.

I must extend thanks to Mehere for moving the post into the correct location and informing me by email, very efficiant indeed.

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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2006, 01:19:18 pm »
Your welcome Nobby.

I hope you take note that it was a lie that started things going wrong in the winmx camp and take the time to reflect how you feel wronged and the actions you have taken that in reality duplicate my own.

Rest easy now Nobby.


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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2006, 06:50:47 pm »
So i wonder just what the user percentage split Pie / .dll is hmmmm im sure KM or Ghost can leap in here and prove who the users decided, last figures i saw were around 65% Pie.

i am going to ignore the rest of the post/thread as it is blatant trouble making, however i was asked to comment on the number of current users using the winmxgroup patch. I made a few small modifications to an existing statistics program i have to simply list random primary users and save the list to a text file, this produced a list of 1406 primary users (a large enough sample to use for statistics generation i believe), i then compared this list with the list of active users using the winmxgroup patch and 879 were running the winmxgroup patch, and 527 were not (meaning more than likely using one of the various modified hosts files released by several different sites)

of course that is only based on primary users, secondary users could only be a guess (as there is no way to actually measure them) however it would seem logical that the %age of secondary users using the winmxgroup patch vs various hosts files would be roughly the same (although for various reasons i would expect slightly higher uptake of the winmxgroup patch amongst primary users) - and of course it also doesn't take in to account the handful of users who may be using the patch on one computer and a hosts file on another for example, however the effects of them on the overall statistics are probably negligible

i do wonder how anyone came up with a wild statistic like 65% of users using a pie hosts file, not least of all because there is no way to distinguish between pie and any other group that has released hosts files, but also because of the obvious statistical problem that you have no way of identifying hosts file users from any other kind of user...

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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2006, 07:41:24 pm »
lol i knew any number i posted would be ridiculed ty KM  :lol:


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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2006, 07:42:43 pm »
actually, ghostship has been pestering me for a figure for weeks, and the timing of your post couldn't have been better for getting a figure, lol


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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2006, 08:29:47 pm »
your lie deny decieve policies will not work here village idiot..........fucked if i know why we even let members of the maggot team post here, for as usuall nothing of any intelligence omes from their keyboards.....btw km nobby got his 65% figure from that other maggot fuckup sabre..........seems along the same lines as his last brain dead statements regarding the primaries dissapearing...........and if you cant handle the truth nobby fuck off then.......playing with someone who is mentally challanged such as your self nobby would seem a little un fair on my part........
and the reason nobby has so much time quicks is nothing of any importance is happining in the maggot camp , their forum is dead as is their so called help the entire maggot population has nothing better to do then continue promoting their virus and making long winded posts continuing their lie deny decieve policies..........

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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2006, 08:58:31 pm »
ok Icetard, 1 lie shall pass my lips.... just 1

Icedragon, im sure your a very nice person really........   :lol:


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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2006, 10:04:51 pm »
.......playing with someone who is mentally challanged such as your self nobby would seem a little un fair on my part........

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2006, 11:24:28 pm »
Nobby you have made an observation and KM has Provided some facts that he is in a position to have at his disposal as the majority cache operator.

Polititcs aside, are you disputing his findings ?

If so I would ask you to show in a scientific manner how you come to any conclusions you have with regard to patch usage.

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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2006, 09:03:20 am »
lol no Ghost, im not disputing what KM has said, if i wish to i will discuss it further with him privately as a thread full of meaningless numbers help nobody, the user stats is an area of specific interest to me, i have had some experience in the past of idetifing trends and fluctuations in sales and customer habits, hence my specific interest in this field. I do have a number of ideas in this area as to how we could help ourselves, that said, im not too sure just how accurate we can really aim to be overall, as i am not familiar with the tools available.

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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2006, 08:04:23 am »
everything said above this
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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2006, 07:11:13 pm »
That was my thought also when the thread was 're-started' by Nobby.. i had thought everyone had had their say.. but if we can all agree that everyone has had their say now .. maybe its safe to lock it?

I dont really want to start a poll, do mass emails so if i dont hear different in 24 hours this thread will also be locked.

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Re: Winmxworld agend con'td in the name of the truth
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2006, 07:35:32 pm »
That was my thought also when the thread was 're-started' by Nobby.. i had thought everyone had had their say.. but if we can all agree that everyone has had their say now .. maybe its safe to lock it?

I dont really want to start a poll, do mass emails so if i dont hear different in 24 hours this thread will also be locked.

Wont get a complaint off me.........  :D

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