Hello everyone,
I'm new here and was sent here to ask my question. I have scanned through all of the topics in this section but have not found an answer to my problem. Sorry if I missed it somewhere.
Problem is this
With some (not all) of the movies I download, once they are finished and in my incoming folder I usually rename them to my liking so that they fit into the scheme of things in my browse then I move them to a folder I titled movies.. so that I can share them. The thing is that with some of the movies when I open my incoming folder from my desktop (Explorer) I click on the file I want to rename and then get an error message that states explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. Why is this. I usually just delete the movie and continue on with life but I'm getting pretty tired of spending so much time and energy to download files that just cause me problems and I have to delete them.
Any and all comments on this matter would be greatly appreciated.