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Offline GhostShip

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Itunes Bad For Buisiness ?
« on: July 29, 2006, 08:10:46 am »
It seems some have strong opinions regarding apples proprietory DRM system and it effect on the business.

Apple's copy-protection technology makes media companies into its servants. Other copy-protection technologies, like Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, are just as bad, says Internet activist Cory Doctorow.

So far, so good. The iPod is the number one music player in the world. iTunes is the number one digital music store in the world. Customers don't seem to care if there are restrictions on the media Steve Jobs sells them -- though you'd be hard pressed to find someone who values those restrictions. No Apple customer woke up this morning wishing for a way to do less with her music.

But there's one restriction that's so obvious it never gets mentioned. This restriction does a lot of harm to Apple's suppliers in the music industry.
That obvious restriction: No one but Apple is allowed to make players for iTunes Music Store songs, and no one but Apple can sell you proprietary file-format music that will play on the iPod.

In some respects, that's not too different from other proprietary platforms, of course. No one but Microsoft makes Word. But there's a huge difference between Word and iTunes: Word is protected only by market forces, while iTunes enjoys the protection of a corrupt law that gives Apple the right to exclude competitors from the market.

The ban creates a monopolistic lock-in that invites bad behavior that would otherwise be checked by competition. Apple has already demonstrated its willingness to abuse its monopoly over iTunes players by shipping "updates" to iTunes that add new restrictions to the songs its customers have already purchased. The business model of buying music on the Internet is that one buys a "license" for certain uses, but the company that supplies the product to you can revoke parts of the license, and there's nothing you can do about it. This is just abuse.

Worse still: Apple's competition-proof music makes switching away from its product expensive for Apple's customers. The world of consumer electronics changes quickly and you'd have to be a fool to believe that no one will ever make a superior portable music player to the iPod. iPods and other walkmans have a low price-point and turn over often -- it's no coincidence that Apple's iPods are made out of materials that scratch if your breathe on them and look like they've been through a rock-tumbler after a couple weeks in your pocket -- which means that you're likely to be in the market for a new one every year or two.

A nice article that shows how buying into the iplod illusion is not helping either yourself, the artists or even the parasitical music industry, no doubt many will find that out in time  :lol:

Offline Alice Rutledge

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Re: Itunes Bad For Buisiness ?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2006, 05:24:58 am »
To me it seems like Apple is trying to monopolize the music market like Microsoft tried to monopolize the operating system market

I tried Itunes and I didn't like it one bit. First of all, they have a crappy player bundled in with the software and the prices of the tracks are
too expensive. Not only that, Itunes slowed down my computer. I will never use it again
Alice Rutlege
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Offline JohnDragonMan

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Re: Itunes Bad For Buisiness ?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2006, 12:33:36 pm »
i like iTunes... its cool and if you set it up right its very easy to use just simple drag and drop.
have a look on the web for iTunes mods. who says you can just use an Ipod on it? get the mods and it can be used with any USB hdd.
 and the iPod its sellf... well what cant you do with it?? i mean now, there is a Linux OS desigend to go on an iPod. with that you can turn it into a quite good game device. i got all SEGA megadrive games on mine. plus you can install a portable OS on it to boot up from any computer DSL is a good type of Linux to put on it.. small too.
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: Itunes Bad For Buisiness ?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2006, 01:03:31 pm »
The thing is John its designed to prevent you enjoying your fair use rights , if you sell your iplod, apple have said the content  must be erased or your in breach of their licence, how can this be so if the content has been paid for ?

They also lock the consumer into the iplod store by making sure no one can inter operate with their DRM, I have no time to waste on idiots like Jobs, who seeks to build up a monopoly and change apples licencing agreement each time they update the iplod software, hardly fair honest or reasonable.

Sony of course use the same monopoly tricks on their products, its just one big effort to rip off the consumer.

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Itunes Bad For Buisiness ?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2006, 01:23:46 pm »
Itunes is fine. But the thing, is, if say you see a better product in the market and you want to buy it.Then will you buy all the songs that you brought in itunes again? Well atleast I think most people won't. I WON'T. :lol:
But the point is, keep the songs different from the players, so that people can choose the better player. With casettes, you could play in in any player you wanted. Sony, samsung, anthing. But you can't do taht with I tunes. That's the point being raised.

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