Do you get disconnected from the internet if you start WinMX with the Enable "uPnP" (Settings > Advanced Settings) in WinMX Unticked? There is a chance that your router doesn't like the uPnP implementation & is behaving oddly causing the disconnect the fact the update bar says "Patch Operational - Connection Error" tells me the patch loaded but WinMX was unable to contact a cache (which would be the case with no net access).
If the above solves the disconnection from the internet, then try setting Incoming TCP connections to "Unable to Accept..." In/Out UDP Packets to "Unable to send or...." restart WinMX & try connecting secondary.
If you remain connected to the internet at that point & WinMX STILL fails to connect, then please hit the "Chat" button dismiss the warning & paste Help_3F1FAF50FFFF
into the space next to the "Filter" button, then hit the one that says "Join", that should bring you to the help chatroom even without a green light on the networks page.