I fixed the MFC42.DLL error I download the mfc42.dll zipped archive that I attached to my post.
I had System restore , hide protected operating systems files & show hidden files and folders off (not sure if it mades a difference if those options are on or off ) when I replaced the MFC42.DLLwith the one I downloaded online.
I followed these instructions to Register the VBscript OCX error I was getting.
On M$ ME the vbscript.dll is in c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder instead of it being in the c:\WINNT\System32 folder like it is M$ 2000.
How to Register an OCX File
If you are receiving errors about an ocx file, registering the file may solve the problem. To register an ocx file simply follow the simple steps below.
1.Locate the file using windows explorer or My Computer. Alternatively search for the filename.
2.Hold down the shift key and right click on the file. Then click 'Open With...' from the menu.
3.An 'Open With' dialog box should appear. Click the button 'Other...'.
4.Navigate to your windows\system32 directory(on M$ ME it's in the windows\system folder) and select the file 'RegSvr32.exe'. Do a file search for it if you have trouble locating the exact folder. On Windows 2000 it is typically located in c:\WINNT\System32 . Click Open to select the file. Then click OK on the 'Open With' dialog.
5.You should see a message indicating the file was successfully registered. If you see an error message, try restarting your computer and going through the above process again.
My Access Manager that connects me to my ISP does remember my password again , too.
Hope this info helps anyone who has the same problem.
I got to reinstall my AV again now.