*If you have tried to download mp3 with alot of users and the file times out=fakefile, please ensure you right click them in the transfers window and press
delete. In anycase fakefile or not,
attend your transfers and incoming files folder.
I have found best results by keeping a maximum of 12 files active in the transfer window for winmx to autosearch every 10 minutes and auto-enter queue 100 - Set on the winmx seach window button. When the file is done, move it to its appropriate shared folder so you
don't have to share your incoming[partials] directory.
Keep the active transfers down to 12, search for what you want, monitor your transfer window, if they are not finding any sources for an hour or so..right click and press clear, later when a few of the other files are done, press the "load incomplete button[in the case of normal files].If you get on a fakefile do NOT leave it unattended in the transfers window, try the QuickSilver method of right clicking the first users to time out on iT browse button and then quicky right click the whole +filegroup and press delete. A buildup of fakefiles in active transfers is
winmx death...
*If you don't do this as soon as you connect to winmx your fakefile autosearch starts up and b0fs you, you may experience frozen pc,the winmx program will whiteout..we'll never see you again.
If you don't use -c: when searching for popular mp3's, stop the search results at around 600. Press the "available files on top" button on the search window and have winmx settings/search "groups of duplicate results expanded by default" set.
Look at the expanded filegroups, if all the users in one group are queued, this is a clean file, also when some are queued and some aren't is clean to i think. Collapse the filetree on a clean file and press download
.The ones with high amount users and fileslots free=fakefiles, see if there is somthing in the fakefile title that you can refine your search with, fakefiles often list the track number, find the track number in the initial search and then exclude it by typing -06 in the lower search field if the song is 06killing me softly.mp3 for example