I think this is a good example of configuring for Ouka or RCMS chat servers so I'll post it, and again dont know the author of this one..but its marked 'DJ'
// this file contains all administrative commands
// Auto admin DJ
<OnEnter usergroup="regs">
<out condition="1" lvalue="%IP%" rvalue="">#private %BOTNAME% #message #admincmd addadmin %RAWNAME%</out>
<command usergroup="regs">
<in>[Private] 09091979</in>
<in>[Admin] 09091979</in>
<out>#private %BOTNAME% #message #admincmd addadmin %RAWNAME%</out>
<command usergroup="regs">
<in>!crash %PARAMETER%</in>
<out>#private %BOTNAME% #message #usercmd redirectto %RAWNAME% %ROOMNAME%</out>