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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Third Party Stuff  |  Other Software  |  Name Tag

Author Topic: Name Tag  (Read 3202 times)

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Name Tag
« on: August 09, 2006, 08:49:39 am »
Hi can anyone  help me find  the Name Tag maker, that makes new tags and asccii name art......which u can add as a bot command ??

Offline Josh

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Re: Name Tag
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2006, 09:00:23 am »
Theres this program to make names, but I dont know of any metis scripts that do that.
- Josh

Offline Snick512

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Re: Name Tag
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2006, 05:37:34 pm »
Erm, there is a metis script  called the name maker. I checked the mx control website on their forums, and it doesnt date back that far. I have it on my old HDD, Lol... It's in the hard drive rack, but not mounted ... sorry..

Maybe you can ask an Admin from MX Control to look farther in the forums for it.

But it goes somethin like you make 3 txt files. Colours, right tag, then left tag. then you type !Name "name" and it makes the tags with colours.

good luck finding it. I'll dig it up later if i can

Offline James420

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Re: Name Tag
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 05:04:08 pm »
I know what you're talking about. Richy made the script way back, so you may have some luck asking him. I can't exactly get on the mxcontrol site right now because the move to IPB screwed up my account and I can't get on it. Plus, for some reason no one will fix it for me even though I've asked 2 admin there a couple of times already. Hope you find the script, wish I could help a bit more.  :?

Offline cord73

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Re: Name Tag
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2006, 10:49:56 am »
Code: [Select]
<command type="script">
<in>!name %PARAM%</in>
<out type="push" extdata="newname">%PARAM%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="a" rvalue="å"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="A" rvalue="Å"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="b" rvalue="|3"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="B" rvalue="ß"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="c" rvalue="¢"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="C" rvalue="Ç"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="d" rvalue="d"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="D" rvalue="Ð"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="e" rvalue="ê"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="E" rvalue="Ê"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="f" rvalue="f"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="F" rvalue="F"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="g" rvalue="g"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="G" rvalue="6"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="h" rvalue="h"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="H" rvalue="][=]["/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="i" rvalue="î"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="I" rvalue="Î"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="j" rvalue="j"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="J" rvalue="J"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="k" rvalue="k"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="K" rvalue="K"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="l" rvalue="£"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="L" rvalue="j"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="m" rvalue="(¥)"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="M" rvalue="][V]["/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="n" rvalue="ñ"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="N" rvalue="Ñ"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="o" rvalue="ø"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="O" rvalue="Ø"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="p" rvalue="Þ"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="P" rvalue="¶"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="q" rvalue="q"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="Q" rvalue="Q"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="r" rvalue="r"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="R" rvalue="®"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="s" rvalue="§"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="S" rvalue="$"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="t" rvalue="']['"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="T" rvalue="´][`"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="u" rvalue="µ"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="U" rvalue="Û"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="v" rvalue="v"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="V" rvalue="\/"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="w" rvalue="vv"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="W" rvalue="\/\/"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="x" rvalue="»«"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="X" rvalue="><"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="y" rvalue="ÿ"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="Y" rvalue="¥"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="z" rvalue="z"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="newname"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="$newname$" lvalue="Z" rvalue="2"/></out>
<out type="self">!namemaker!</out>

<command type="random">
<in users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">!namemaker!</in>
<out>#c?#»»#c?# $newname$ #c?#««</out>
<out>#c?#·«×¤#c?# $newname$ #c?#¤×»·</out>
<out>#c?#¨"°ºI¦|[ #c?#$newname$#c?# ]|¦Iº°"¨</out>
<out>#c?#(_.·´¯((` #c?#$newname$#c?# ´))¯`·._)</out>
<out>#c?#[»±«] -+- #c?#$newname$#c?# -+- [»±«]</out>
<out>#c?#&lt;--= #c?#$newname$#c?# =--&gt;</out>
<out>#c?#»´`± #c?#$newname$#c?# ±´`«</out>
<out>#c?#-=: #c?#$newname$#c?# :=-</out>
<out>#c?#¨¹·.¸ #c?#$newname$#c?# ¸.·¹¨</out>
<out>#c?#°¹º-» #c?#$newname$#c?# «-º¹</out>
<out>#c?#.·:*¨¤`*:´ #c?#$newname$#c?#  `:*´¤¨*:·.</out>
<out>#c?#¤-» #c?#$newname$#c?# «-¤</out>
<out>#c?#-·=»‡«=·- #c?#$newname$#c?# -·=»‡«=·-</out>
<out>#c?#º»»· #c?#$newname$#c?# ·««º</out>
<out>#c?#(¯`·._) #c?#$newname$#c?# (_.·´¯)</out>
<out>#c?#´¯¨"°ºO #c?#$newname$#c?# Oº°"¨¯`</out>
<out>#c?#¤(`×[¤ #c?#$newname$#c?# ¤]×´)¤</out>
<out>#c?#«±¦ #c?#$newname$#c?# ¦±»</out>
<out>#c?#·•¤ #c?#$newname$#c?#  ¤•·</out>
<out>#c?#.·:*' #c?#$newname$#c?# '*:·.</out>
<out>#c?#=ˆ..ˆ= #c?#$newname$#c?# =ˆ..ˆ=</out>
<out>#c?#..::† #c?#$newname$#c?# †::..</out>
<out>#c?#*¯`*-»* #c?#$newname$#c?# *«-*´¯*</out>
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<out>#c?#  '¤÷ #c?#$newname$#c?# ÷¤'</out>
<out>#c?#·¤*» #c?#$newname$#c?# «*¤·</out>
<out>#c?#.·:*:·.~ #c?#$newname$#c?# ~.·:*:·.</out>
<out>#c?#~*~! #c?#$newname$#c?# !~*~</out>
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<out>#c?#»»--(¯` #c?#$newname$#c?# ´¯)--»»</out>
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<out>#c?#·÷¦ -¤ #c?#$newname$#c?# ¤- ¦÷·</out>


Offline Max™

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Re: Name Tag
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2006, 03:11:04 pm »
i have got that name maker script in my metis, its on my forum too,
and between just us few thousand ppl in WinMX, i think MXControl wish they hadnt moved servers now, im waiting for the great transfer back again and loosing another 20 members and 100's of posts, not to mention the downloads are still offline (oops i mentioned it wen i sed not to mention) its a good job we still have WinMX Archives, and all the robo/metis links work in my forum (oops im advertising)

Try Connecting, the attacks may let you

Offline James420

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Re: Name Tag
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2006, 04:00:09 pm »
I haven't seen the forum since the change, it screwed up my account to where I can't login and it's taking Zhen a long time to fix it. Not to mention I rarely get on the net now. Only on days off and if I have the time. I have a script I'd like to post, I finished it many months ago. Haven't done any scripting for Metis in a while. I've got into programming lately, started with VB.NET and didn't like it much. So been learning C# for the past few months. Working on some random programs, and a couple for RoboMX/Metis and Winmx. Just can't work on them till I teach myself more C#. Finished a few programs, and going to finish my Metis Scripter program next I hope. It's a syntax notepad that will show the Metis Scripting style in color syntax for easier reading and to easily spot errors. I also hope to have the program check for other errors before allowing to save. Plus, I want to add a GUI script builder into it. Already started on it, just have to finish it. Hope to get it to everyone some time soon.  :wink:


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Re: Name Tag
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2006, 04:21:16 pm »
I can't login and it's taking Zhen a long time to fix it.
ahh yes, email doesn't work there does it? so the email it was meant to send you saying it's been fixed didn't get sent... well I changed your username to James420, and it might be a good idea to point out to the person whose meant to fix that sort of thing that it's the entire page dedicated just to changing usernames, labeled (conveniently enough) "Change Username" to change usernames...

Offline James420

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Re: Name Tag
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2006, 04:57:43 pm »
I know, thanks for changing it. I was finally able to get on the forum there. Posted the script I mentioned. And I know about that, but I guess he couldn't find it or something. x.x;

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