Adding more scripts. i dont know what you mean are you trying to just add more scripts to the mxc folder if that is the case all you do is start the next script with
Script here
Script here
like that all down the text document, or if you want to create a new xml file what you do is
create a txt file open it and then click save as.
change the "save as type" to "all files"
then in the file name add .xml to the end of the name like "New Text Document.xml"
Click save and this creates a xml document called New Text Document.
You can add scripts to this but you need to tell the bot that their is this new file.
You do this by adding
<Include file="New Text Document.xml"/>
To the top of the MXC.xml
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no">
<config> // Main configuration File
<Include file="Gameslist.xml"/>
<Include file="Help.xml"/>
<Include file="On Enter.xml"/>
<Include file="Security.xml"/>
<Include file="Misc.xml"/>
<Include file="Bank.xml"/>
<Include file="smash.xml"/>
I have mine like that, I know people that have each script in diffrent xmls but i think thats just untidy
I just seperate each script in the xmls
Like that so that i can tell when one ends an another begins, really handy on tired eyes, many a time before i used to do that i found myself adding lines to another script not looking properly.
Their is actually a help file in metis that you can open and it gives you alot of other commands you can use other than <command> if you check that out and look at other peeps scripts you will pick it up.