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Author Topic: Mapping Ports  (Read 2385 times)

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Mapping Ports
« on: March 14, 2007, 11:39:24 am »
first of all excuse my poor written english, I'm italian.

Can you please explane to me how to mapping the  TCP and UDP Ports?

OS window xp sp2
lan adsl 512kb
modem-router @bell x8821r+ Here my modem manual just in case.
winmx 354 beta4 - MXPie Patch v3.4

Thanks a lot!

Offline Me Here

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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 03:35:40 pm »
Ciao Lannabulls,

Welcome to the site.
First of all if your wanting a primary connection on WinMX, I suggest you get the patch that keeps the RIAA/MPAA companies from connecting to you.  They use your bandwidth to flood the network and its best to block them.

Download this file, Install it, let it restart WinMX. Be sure you also have either uninstalled Peerguardian 2/PGLite or dont have them on the machine running.

Now about your modem.

Here is a guide to setting up your model with WinMX

If you have any questions just let us know here.


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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 04:11:36 am »
Thanks a lot Me Here,
you're very helpfull!!!!!!
I follow the explanations on the web page that you suggested and i'm having problem on setting a static ip because I can not find the DNS Ip.
I'm going  to call my ISP, let see if I can find it.
Thanks a lot!!!!!


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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2007, 07:55:12 am »
excuse Me Here my rookie questions, I'm new about p2p, winmx, etc and I do not know pratically anythings about!!!! I'm learning, hehehe!!!!!

I finally manage to foreward the ports and now I can connect as a primary too. The problem is that, as soon as I make some research, attempt some download, often winmx disconnects itself and than connects again and so on.
If I connect as a secondary, winmx do not disconnect itsaelf but it is pratically impossible to download because all my downloads having a maximum speed of 0.50 k/b

The first link that you provide to me (winmx v3.54 beta4), it is allready patched with the patch that keeps the RIAA/MPAA companies from connecting?

I must update this version of winmx with the  MXPie Patch v3.4 or not? Without the Pie Patch it seems work.

Excuse me again for my rookie questions.

Offline Me Here

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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2007, 11:30:31 am »
Hi Lannabulls

I finally manage to foreward the ports and now I can connect as a primary too. The problem is that, as soon as I make some research, attempt some download, often winmx disconnects itself and than connects again and so on.

Are you using a program called Peerguardian 2 or one called PGLite?  If so delete them (uninstall).

This type of problem when on Primary is usually down to something on your machine seeing the UDP results (search results coming in) as an attack. 
What Firewalls and Antivirus software are you using on the PC?

Usually users can get the same speeds on Secondary or faster, this sounds a bit odd to me.

The first link that you provide to me (winmx v3.54 beta4), it is allready patched with the patch that keeps the RIAA/MPAA companies from connecting?

Yes, this has the patch that protects you built in.  Does your Update bar in WinMX now say 'Patch Operational' ?

I must update this version of winmx with the  MXPie Patch v3.4 or not? Without the Pie Patch it seems work.

No, installing Pie again will make this disconnection worse.  There is something going on that we need to find.

Feel free to ask all the questions you like here Lannabulls, we're always glad to try to help the best we can..


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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2007, 12:03:17 pm »
 Thanks a lot Me Here,

I do not have installed any program such Peerguardian 2,  PGLite, etc., only winmx from the link that you provided to me.

Where I can find the Update bar in WinMX that must say 'Patch Operational' ?

Window xp firewall is proply configured. Winmx is listed as exception
I'm using McAfee security center as antivirus. Its firewall is proply configured, Winmx is listed as exception also here.

"This type of problem when on Primary is usually down to something on your machine seeing the UDP results (search results coming in) as an attack. "
What do you mean, I do not understand excuse me.

Ciao e grazie

Offline Me Here

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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2007, 12:49:49 pm »
Hi Lannabulls

The update bar is on the WinMX Screens just under your version numbers as shown in the screen shot below.

Is there a reason your using two firewalls?

I would suggest you disable the XP firewall for now and test to see if this helps.  There is such a thing as too much protection, just as you can have too little.

"This type of problem when on Primary is usually down to something on your machine seeing the UDP results (search results coming in) as an attack. "

Search results come to you via UDP protocol.  This causes some protective software like antivirus, spam protection, and firewalls to 'think' your being attacked by a UDP Flood (common attack method).  The fact that WinMX works like it does can have the effect on protective programs to 'think' an attack is happening, block said traffic, disconnect you.. because it 'thinks' its protecting you.  When in fact its normal WinMX traffic and you simply are trying to make a search.


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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2007, 02:05:52 am »

my update bar is empty, nothing written on. I try to uninstall and reinstall wmx twoice but the bar is still empty.

I disable window xp firewall, I completely  uninstall McAfee security center but the problem still persist.

I can connect as a primary, as soon  a reasearch or download begins winmx disconnects for a few seconds and riconnects again and so on and on. As a secondary, winmx does not disconnect but, the a few time that I obtain a download I get a maximum speed of 0.5. Pratically I can not use winmx even as a secondary connection.

Today a friend of mine is going to give me a new modem+router, Dlink dsl-G604T. I check already how to map ports in with this model. Reading on I see that many modem+router models need a static Ip in order to map ports . On the contrary Dlink dsl-G604T does not need any static ip to forward ports.

For some other reason despite winmx, I'm going to reinstall my os, so let see what happen with a new router and a new reinstallation.

In the main time, any suggestion Me Here? Why my update bar is empty? I just installed winmx from the link you gave to me without any patch, winmx tool program, etc.

Ciao e grazie infinite!!!!!!


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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2007, 02:08:52 am »
I forget to ask you something:
in my pc is installed Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.3. This software could be the cause of my problems?

Ciao e thanks a lot

Offline Me Here

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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2007, 11:22:28 am »
OK Lannabulls,

I think its best then that we wait until your new install of OS and new modem because its possible things will be very differnt on a clean system.  As for the Spybot its a great program and we recommend it to users, however, If its running as a service .. runnning in the task bar near your clock than yes, it could be whats not allowing the patch to give you an update bar and leave that blank.

The solution is to turn off Spybot while you install, then restart it afterwards.  Im not sure that its what would be causing your disconnections tho.  We should wait to see how things go after your install.


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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2007, 05:45:05 am »
I reinstalled my os, window xp SP2. I did not install any driver or software, only the chipset driver in order to have an internet connection and test Winmx. I installed than Winmx from the link that Me Here provided to me.

I have a new modem+router Dlink ADSL-G604T. I follow the explanations that I found in in order to map ports. Actually the explanations that referring to my model, Dlink ADSL-G604T , are wrong. The wright explanations for my model referring to link Dlink ADSL-G604T v1.00B02

1-Winmx does not say patch operational, the bar is white hampty.

2- The situation is not changed at all. If I connect as a primary reserch are very quikly as well download, I mean I get really fast reply. When a download begins Winmx disconnects and reconnects again and again.
As a secondary research are really slow, the a few time I got a reply and I can download, I got, when I'm luky, a maximum speed of 0.5. I even try to connect in different time during the day, morning, afternoon, night and the situation is always the same.

I do not know what to do, I'm relly thinking to say good-by to winmx because this situation is making me crazy.
I hope for some help from you.

Offline Me Here

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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2007, 11:52:15 am »
Well Lannabulls,

To be honest it sounds to us like your Internet provider is throttling the use of p2p, or more specifically WinMX.  Its not uncommon in your area for companies to do this.

I had hoped that it was something in your set up or settings but its proving to be the exact symptoms of this throttling.  Downloads start ok, drop down to 0.00 and then disconnect.  Speeds are very slow, or irratic meaning up and down ..

You have made all of the adjustments and the installations are correct and the only other possible problem is your Company is doing it to you.  There are not good answers to fix this except to find a new ISP (Internet Service Provider), however in your area of the world most of them likely will be the same..  :(


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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2007, 02:45:37 am »
thanks for the answer.

First of, I made "patch operational" working.
After installation, the first time winmx stats, it begins with a wizard that helps on setting winmx in a proper way. During that wizard, if I tell winmx to connect as a primary, TCP and UDP ports number, "patch operational" does not work, the bar remains hempty.
On the contrary, if I tell winmx to connect as a secondary because my pc can not forwarding ports, "patch operational" appears written on my bar.

As you are telling me, it sounds like my isp is throttling p2p, i'm going to ask them today. In this case I can not use any p2p software bwcause here, you know where i'm living, there are not many options as isp.
If my isp is throttling winmx may I can try with another p2p software. Can you suggest me please another p2p software, I try to run it and let see what happen.

In the main time, thanks a lot for your help.

Offline Me Here

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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2007, 01:07:12 pm »
The fact that when you try to use primary it blocks the 'Patch Operational' message sounds more like something still on your system causing that part. 

I guess, honestly I feel like it is still a problem with your ISP, they are capable (like Tiscalli for example) of blocking WinMX from connecting at all.  That said.  My next suggestion would be to try to uninstall McAfee and try WinMX.  If you can connect as primary and the patch operational message appears while you 'are' primary then we can say its something in the settings of your McAfee stuff.. and this is possible since asking WinMX to run as a primary sets it up as a virtual server, and that just causes more issues with Antivirus and Firewalls then running in secondary.

If you want to give this a try and see .. its all I can think of at this time.  I will tell you, I still believe it is your ISP doing this or making the issues worse, because your speeds on secondary should be about normal and as you say.. they are dirt dial up speeds slow.

Other P2P's.... WinMX is an easy target in the world of p2ps and some folks have good luck with others.  This depends on what your ISP is using to throttle you.  I would never suggest this normally but some folks do have better luck with Limewire, just be sure your getting it from the official limewire site and DONT use the pro.  Make sure you have reinstalled your McAfee for this as we get reports that limewire network is full of spyware and trojans..
Also Soulseek is supposed to be pretty good but its a small network.

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2007, 05:50:06 pm »
Bittorent is good as well (

An important note:
Should you be inclined to downoad any applications or games, please please please scan the file after it has downloaded and only then install.
Otherwise, you might land yourself in serious trouble

Cheers :P
Reconnect to winmx with the blocking patch :)
Patch link :

Spread the word now :)


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Re: Mapping Ports
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2007, 12:59:06 am »
Thanks a lot Me Here and SamseeSam.
McAfee is still not installed on my pc. I installed my os, the chipset driver in order to get the internet connection and Winmx, that's all. I tested it with this set up in order to be sure that the problem is not caused by some software.

Yesterday I went once more to speack with my ISP. I went there so many time that, finnaly, I got an employee as a "friend".  He made some phone calls and he ensure me that the ISP does not  throttling any p2p. He took me in his work place and show to me his pc so I could see by my own eyes. He often use "bitorent" and "bit comet".
Me Here I 'm living in south-est Asia, not in Italy.

First of, excuse me again if I make you loosing your time with my rookie problems.

1- If I try to forward the default TCP and UDP port numbers what happen, can I try?

2-I asked my ISP a static ip, because it try to sell it to me, I follow the suggestion that I found on, DO NOT BUY IT, and I got it from the web site I tell my current IP, my default gateway and it gave to me 5 possible static ip adresses.
I choose one and the 3 final digits are 140. Than, I forward TCP and UDP ports with this static ip, I apply and these 3 final digits change by them self in 150. I try a few time and always I got the same change. I hope I make you understand what I mean. May it is not important or may can give you some clue about my problems.

Thanks a lot for your help and excuse me again.

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