I am looking for copies of all the plugins for WCB bot including but not limited to The blank plugins here is a list I know about if there are more I'd like to have them.
OnTimer plugin displays in the room on a set time (default is 15 mins)
Room Host plugin has features such as a menu for adding trigger responces, a picture page for those nice pics we all like in room, theres a timer and random timer you can set either or both to the time you want and there is random welcome file
File Check plugin is for searching for "nasty" files like porn, for when you dont want these kinds of people in your room (add or remove bad words as you see fit)
Web Plugin logs to a .txt file names who join, leave, change name etc, loggin the in and out movement for the host
Mastermind Game Plugin allowed you to play Mastermind, its customisable chosing how hard you want it (how many numbers, duplicate numbers, how many incorrect guesses allowed etc)
any others someone might have. You can always find me in The Movie Attic_AA3458321A23 just shoot me a pm. thanks