heres a bit more of a breakdown of commands
/channelname some room name
/channelname1 some room name
/channelname2 some room name
/channelname3 some room name
/topic a fancy topic
/topic1 a fancy topic
/topic2 a fancy topic
/topic3 a fancy topic
These are quite self explanatory but id advise the use of one room name and not 3 as i find this to be a harder search
/rmalllogins = Remove all logins
/mklogin 150 password+ = password for admins
/mklogin 230 password@ = password for Co-Hosts
/port 6698 = the port the server connects on
/httpport 80
/nodes 6 = the connections to the peer cache
/users 0 = able to use fake users Eg if you got 1 person in your room but list can show 60)
/loadmotd = load the motd.txt file
/loadlanguage = load the language file
/set set 65
/set showwhokick 135
/set showkick 55
/set kick 150 = level at which you are allowed to kick from
/set kickip 150 = as above but for IP
/set showyouhavebeenkicked 0 = tells the room you have been kicked
/set showwhoban 135 = shows anyone above this level who banned
/set showban 55 =
/set ban 150 = min level for ban
/set banrange 200 = min level for IP ban
/set showyouhavebeenbanned 1
/set listbans 150 = min level for listing the bans
/set showwhounban 135
/set showunban 55
/set unban 150
/set setuserlevel 65 = Default level entering the room
/set showwhosetuserlevel 135
/set showsetuserlevel 55
/set showyousetuserlevel 1
/set voice 15
/set clearbans 180 = level needed to clear all bans
/set ipshown 130
/set endnick 9
/set commandendnick 6
/set renameendnick 0
/set botendnick 6
/set actionendnick 6
/set maxconnection 3
/set red 135 = to colors deactivated (/set color 256) smaller level X to have the red risk
/set @ 230 = level which @ is set
/set + 140 = level which = is set
/symbol & 135
/symbol - 130
/set showerrors 130
/set showyouerror 1
/set showchangenick 0
/set redirect 230 = min level to redirect the room
/set redirectrecvmin 0
/set redirectrecvmax 120
/set topic 180 = min level to set topic
/set motd 180 = min level to set motd
/set level 135
/set login 6 = Min level to use a login, if level is 5 and knows a login, they cannot login
/set showlogin 150
/set mklogin 230 = level to make new logins
/set rmlogin 230 = level to remove login
/set lslogin 230 = level to list all logins
/set action 60 = min level to do actions (eg /me sulphy is a dumbass)
/set opmsg 230 = level at which you can see the opmsg's (eg /opmsg no one under this level reads this)
/set exile 230 = level to set a exile
/set notice 230 = level to do the /notice eg /notice This room is cool!
/set impose 230 = able to imitate names (Eg /impose Sulphy damn i am good ... looks like in room "<sulphy> damn i am good" but level of 230 needed
/set read 20 Minimum level to read what is written in chat , anyone below that level cannot read
/set channelname 230 = level to set the channel name (eg /channelname Sulphy's sex palace of fun)
/set updateip 230 couldnt get a good translation about it
/set savecfg 230 = the level you need to save a server config (Eg /savecfg)
/set loadcfg 230 = the level needed to reload the config (Eg /loadcfg)
/set flood 150 = min level needed to allow flooding
/set port 230 = min level to change the ports
/set showchangeprimary 0
/set default 65
/set showuserlist 1
/set listnocolors 0
/set nicknocolors 0
/set loadlanguage 230
/set color 0
/set timeflood 5
/set time34flood 2
/set raw 230
/set showwhereentered 230
/set symbol 230
/set block 230
/set clearblock 230
/set actionblock 1
/set replace 230
/set clearreplace 230
for blocking words in chat like swear words or racist comments.
/block 7login
/block $NAME$
/block $TEXT$
/replace 7opmsg=mannaggia a me = for replacing words (Eg swear words)
/set format 230
Below is the style in which your names are seen in the room (Eg «a nickname») also with different colours per level.
/format 130 #c8#«#c2#$NAME$#c8#»#c1#$C$ $TEXT$
/format 190 #c7#«#c2#$NAME$#c7#»#c1#$C$ $TEXT$
/format 5 #c2#«$NAME$#c2#»#c1#$C$ $TEXT$
/set loadmotd = loads the motd.txt file on startup
/set newline 150
/set message 150
/set joinedwith 150
/set coloradminmessage 1
/set pcs 229
/set nodes 229
/set viewstats 30
/set textcolor 30
/set clearformats 225
/set users 225
/set rmalllogins 225
/set differencelevel 0
/set whois 150
/set rawuser 230
/set viewblock 220
/set pauseshowerror 3
/set sleep 10 = From milliseconds to switch between a message to another, as for example 100 drawings slow down the bot
/set viewbot 150
/set bot 150
/set echo 150
/set caps 150 = to stop people below this level from using the CAPS in chat
/set shortstayban 0 = short stay ban is for peeps thats in n out too much 1=on 0=off
/set ping 50
/set blockbots 0
/set sendmotdtimeout 1000
/set sendlisttimeout 1000
/set sendtimeout 0
/set 34 6
/set watchcmds 230
well thats all i can muster on this....feel free to add more i prob will later at some point as i cant see the screen no more, google can translate it but can be confusing.
hope this elps u