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<command type="script"><in>!doom</in><out>#c16# ___ ____ ____ __ __</out> <out>#c16#| | | | | | | \/ |</out> <out>#c17#| | | | | | | |\/| |</out> <out>#c17#| / \ / \ / \/ | |</out> <out>#c31#| / \ / \ / | |</out> <out>#c31#|/ \/ \/ \/</out><out>#c16# _______</out><out>#c16# \ /\ /</out><out>#c16# \/ \/</out><out>#c16# /\ /\</out><out>#c16# / \/ \</out></command>
however if you have metis read it from an ini file spaces will work just fine
Sorry make sure that its lined up properly .. <OnJoinRoom type="script"> <out>/login thrash</out> <out>/bot</out> <out>/mxc start</out> </OnJoinRoom> Lovejoy this is a help forum. Do you ever have anything to say that will actually help someone?
>> Metis: Stopping all user threads. Please stand by...>> Metis: Error in "MXC.xml" Invalid syntax or file not found.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"><config> // Main configuration FileConst ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 strFileName = Wscript.Arguments(0) strOldText = Wscript.Arguments(1) strNewText = Wscript.Arguments(2) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading) strText = objFile.ReadAll objFile.Close strNewText = Replace(strText, strOldText, strNewText) Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForWriting) objFile.WriteLine strNewText objFile.Close// Please have a look at the Metis Userguide// for an explanation of all elemts and settings// (File Metis.chm)<BadwordPenalty enable="1" exclude="1"/><AutoKick enable="1" warnings="2"/><BadLangWarning value="I'd watch that tone of voice, %NAME%, if I was you."/><BadLangPreKick value="You have been warned, %NAME%. Final words are not permitted. Bye."/><RedirectCommand value="/kick %RAWNAME%"/><BotFloodControl value="2000"/><UserFloodControl TimeFrame="10" MaxTriggerPerFrame="3" BanTime="240"/><NickSeparator value="._ -:"/><SecureParam value="1"/><SecureNickname value="0"/><ConfigEditor value="notepad.exe"/><MinimizeToTray value="1"/><EnableBeep value="1"/><EnableUpdateCheck value="1"/><DefaultCmdFloodProt value="20"/><DefaultCmdType value="normal"/><EnableBeep value="1"/><EnableUpdateCheck value="1"/><TriviaStartMessage value="Trivia Commands: SCORE - Display userscore, RANKING - Display top 3 ranking, SKIP - Skip question (Admins only), RESET [Score Limit] - Reset Trivia game. [Score Limit] points needed to win a round. (Admins only)"/>TriviaScoreMsg value="User score: %SCORE% points"/><TriviaNoAnswer value="Question '%QUES%' was not answered. The corrrect answer is %ANS%"/><TriviaCorrect value="%NAME% answered correct (%ANS%) and won %POINTS% points"/><TriviaSkip value="question skipped"/><TriviaNext value="%QUES% (Time: %TIME%sec., Points: %POINTS%)"/><TriviaDefaultTime value="45"/><OnJoinRoom type="script">// WCS<out type="echo" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="WCS">This server (%SERVER%) supports colored text. Metis does not work properly with colored text. Attempting to disable color support now.\n</out><out type="normal" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="WCS">/bot</out>// FXServ<out type="echo" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="FX">This server (%SERVER%) supports colored text. Metis does not work properly with colored text. Attempting to disable color support now.\n</out><out type="normal" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="FX">/bot</out>// MCMA<out type="echo" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="MCMA">This server (%SERVER%) supports colored text. Metis does not work properly with colored text. Attempting to disable color support now.\n</out><out type="normal" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="MCMA">#BOT#</out>// roboServ<out type="echo" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="roboServ">This server (%SERVER%) supports colored text. Metis does not work properly with colored text. Attempting to disable color support now.\n</out><out type="normal" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="roboServ">/disablecolors</out>// ouka<out type="echo" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="ouka">This server (%SERVER%) supports colored text. Metis does not work properly with colored text. Attempting to disable color support now.\n</out><out type="normal" condition="_?" lvalue="%SERVER%" rvalue="ouka">#atscmd mctoff</out></OnJoinRoom><config>//Variables used//1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 // 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457//Variables for colors://1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 // 1195 1196//Infos (Temporary and importants variables)//(It's just when the script choose a word)// 1445 -> Word// 1444 -> Left//Version 1.2 ______ ______________// (¯) (¯) (¯¯¯¯¯¯) (¯¯\ (¯) ( _____) (¯¯\ /¯¯) (¯¯¯¯¯¯) (¯¯\ (¯) (##############) // ( )__( ) ( )¯¯( ) ( ) \( ) ( ) ___ ( | ) ( )¯¯( ) ( ) \( ) (#)¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯(#) \\|//// ( ) ( ¯¯ ) ( )\ ( ) ( )(__ ) ( )\ /( ) ( ¯¯ ) ( )\ ( ) (#) By Zénar (#) (^¿^)// ( )¯¯( ) ( )¯¯( ) ( ) \ ) ( )__( ) ( )(_)( ) ( )¯¯( ) ( ) \ ) (#)__________(#) ¯// (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) \_) (______) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) \_) (##############)//Version 1.2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯<usergroup name="PPadmin" case="1">*Zénar**Your name here*//Don't erase this name!*_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_*</usergroup><command type="script"><in>!hangman</in>//########################################//COLORS CONFIGURATIONS HERE!!!//If you don't have a color room, just remove color tags bellow!//«1»Numbers and responses:<out type="push" extdata="1190">#c57#</out>//«2»Texts:<out type="push" extdata="1191">#c2#</out>//«3»Letters not found and all lines _ :<out type="push" extdata="1192">#c52#</out>//«4»Letters found and the word HANGMAN:<out type="push" extdata="1193">#c54#</out>//«5»Others texts ans names:<out type="push" extdata="1194">#c1#</out><out type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1195]%" rvalue="1">%USERVAR[1190]%«Color 1» %USERVAR[1191]%«Color 2» %USERVAR[1192]%«Color 3» %USERVAR[1193]%«Color 4» %USERVAR[1194]%«Color 5»</out><out type="self" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1195]%" rvalue="1">!ppclose</out><out type="break" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1195]%" rvalue="1"/>//########################################<out type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1430]%" rvalue="1">%USERVAR[1191]%Sorry %USERVAR[1194]%%NAME% %USERVAR[1191]%but this %USERVAR[1193]%HANGMAN %USERVAR[1191]%is running.</out><out type="break" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1430]%" rvalue="1"/><out type="push" extdata="1455"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%NAME% lvalue="e; rvalue="mma"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1455"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%USERVAR[1455]% lvalue="%" rvalue="mmb"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1455"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%USERVAR[1455]% lvalue=∗ rvalue="mmc"/></out><out type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1455]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1453]%">%USERVAR[1191]%Sorry %USERVAR[1194]%%NAME% %USERVAR[1191]% but let peoples play!</out><out type="break" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1455]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1453]%"/><out type="push" extdata="1436">1</out><out type="push" extdata="1437"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="C:\hangman.ini" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[1436]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1436" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1436]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1436"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1436]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="script" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1436]%" rvalue="1">%USERVAR[1191]%Impossible to begin if the library doesn't have words!</out><out type="script" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1436]%" rvalue="1">%USERVAR[1191]%Please goto at %USERVAR[1190]%C:\hangman.ini %USERVAR[1191]%and put words!</out><out type="file" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1436]%" rvalue="1" mode="t" extdata="C:\hangman.ini">Wall\nTest\nDragon\nBall\nMany examples\n</out><out type="break" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1436]%" rvalue="1"/><out type="push" extdata="1431"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%NAME% lvalue="e; rvalue="mma"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1431"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%USERVAR[1431]% lvalue="%" rvalue="mmb"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1431"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%USERVAR[1431]% lvalue=∗ rvalue="mmc"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1430">1</out><out type="push" extdata="1432">%NAME%</out><out type="push" extdata="1446">0</out><out type="self">!ppchoose</out></command><command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_"><in>!ppchoose</in>//This hangman will choose a word from 1 to X. Don't put this number too high or you will see something bad! lol<out type="push" extdata="1433">%RANDOMNUM[160000]%</out><out type="push" extdata="1433"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1433]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1437"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="C:\hangman.ini" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[1433]%"/></out><out type="goto" extdata="-3" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""/><out type="goto" extdata="-4" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1456]%"/><out type="push" extdata="1437"><operator type="strupr" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1445">%USERVAR[1437]%</out><out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="strlen" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1444"><operator type="strleft" lvalue="%USERVAR[1445]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1445"><operator type="strright" lvalue="%USERVAR[1445]%" rvalue="1"/></out>//####################################################################################################### I like this! lol//####### Put here all caracters or things who be included direcly on the word... like the space ########//####################################################################################################### And yes, metis don't accept these characters: <>_"*% And don't put them in you library!<out type="push" extdata="1439"><operator type="strfind" lvalue=" '.,[]{~}!$%?&()+-=#|\±@£¢¤¬¦²³¼½¾«»¯´:;`^¸0123456789" rvalue="%USERVAR[1444]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1441" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="-1">%USERVAR[1441]%%USERVAR[1444]% </out><out type="push" extdata="1441" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="-1">%USERVAR[1441]%_ </out><out type="push" extdata="1435"><operator type="strlen" lvalue="%USERVAR[1441]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1435"><operator type="/" lvalue="%USERVAR[1435]%" rvalue="2"/></out><out type="goto" extdata="-8" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1435]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%"/><out type="push" extdata="1447">%USERVAR[1437]% </out>/////////////////////////////////////////////Le nombres de coups ici!///////<out type="push" extdata="1450">7</out><out type="script">%USERVAR[1191]%This %USERVAR[1193]%HANGMAN %USERVAR[1191]%have get a word of %USERVAR[1194]%%USERVAR[1438]% %USERVAR[1191]%letters!</out><out type="script">%USERVAR[1191]%When you will find the word, type %USERVAR[1194]%!word%USERVAR[1191]% and the word.</out><out type="script"> %USERVAR[1191]%Hit(s) remaining: %USERVAR[1190]%%USERVAR[1450]% %USERVAR[1192]%%USERVAR[1441]%</out>//Remove hits<out type="push" extdata="1449"></out><out type="push" extdata="1451">60</out>//Begin the timer (Disable because it have a bug)//out type="self"\\!pptimer1///out\\</command><command type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1430]%" rvalue="1"><in>%PARAMETER%</in><out type="push" extdata="1434"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%NAME% lvalue="e; rvalue="mma"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1434"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%USERVAR[1434]% lvalue="%" rvalue="mmb"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1434"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%USERVAR[1434]% lvalue=∗ rvalue="mmc"/></out><out type="break" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1431]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1434]%"/><out type="push" extdata="1435"><operator type="strlen" lvalue="%PARAMETER%"/></out><out type="break" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1435]%" rvalue="1"/><out type="push" extdata="1440"><operator type="strupr" lvalue="%PARAMETER%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1439"><operator type="strfind" lvalue="%USERVAR[1449]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1440]%"/></out><out type="script" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="-1">%USERVAR[1191]%You choose this letter again?</out><out type="break" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="-1"/><out type="push" extdata="1442">%USERVAR[1447]%</out><out type="push" extdata="1443">0</out><out type="push" extdata="1457">%USERVAR[1441]%</out>//Look and build the word<out type="push" extdata="1448">%USERVAR[1441]%</out>/////////// Don't change anything here or this hangman will die!///Heart///<out type="push" extdata="1439">0</out><out type="push" extdata="1439"><operator type="strfind" lvalue="%USERVAR[1442]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1440]%"/></out><out type="goto" extdata="11" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="-1"/><out type="push" extdata="1439"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1442"><operator type="strright" lvalue="%USERVAR[1442]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1443"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1443]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1446"><operator type="*" lvalue="%USERVAR[1443]%" rvalue="2"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1446"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1446]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1445"><operator type="strright" lvalue="%USERVAR[1441]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1446]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1446"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1446]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1444"><operator type="strleft" lvalue="%USERVAR[1441]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1446]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1441">%USERVAR[1444]%%USERVAR[1440]%%USERVAR[1445]%</out><out type="goto" extdata="-11"/>///Heart/// This is the hardest part to do in this hangman! Change one thing and this hangman will never work again./////////// If you want to test, go for it but you are warned!<out type="push" extdata="1457" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1441]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1448]%"><operator type="strrep" nvalue="%USERVAR[1441]%" lvalue="%USERVAR[1440]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1193]%%USERVAR[1440]%%USERVAR[1192]%"/></out><out type="script"> %USERVAR[1191]%Hit(s) remaining: %USERVAR[1190]%%USERVAR[1450]% %USERVAR[1192]%%USERVAR[1457]%</out><out type="push" extdata="1449">%USERVAR[1449]%%USERVAR[1440]%</out><out type="push" extdata="1439"><operator type="strfind" lvalue="%USERVAR[1441]%" rvalue="_"/></out><out type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="-1">%USERVAR[1191]%You have found my word!</out><out type="self" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="-1">!ppp</out><out type="break" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1439]%" rvalue="-1"/>//Hit = hit - 1 if a letter was not found<out type="push" extdata="1450" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1441]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1448]%"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1450]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="script" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1450]%" rvalue="1">%USERVAR[1191]%No hits remaining! Here is the word: %USERVAR[1190]%%USERVAR[1437]%</out><out type="self" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1450]%" rvalue="1">!ppp</out><out type="break" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1450]%" rvalue="1"/><out type="push" extdata="1451">60</out></command><command type="script" lvalue="%USERVAR[1430]%" rvalue="1"><in>!word %PARAMETER%</in><out type="push" extdata="1434"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%NAME% lvalue="e; rvalue="mma"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1434"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%USERVAR[1434]% lvalue="%" rvalue="mmb"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1434"><operator type="strrep" nvalue=%USERVAR[1434]% lvalue=∗ rvalue="mmc"/></out><out type="break" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1431]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1434]%"/><out type="break" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1430]%" rvalue="1"/><out type="push" extdata="1440"><operator type="strupr" lvalue="%PARAMETER%"/></out><out type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1440]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%">%USERVAR[1191]%You have found my word!</out><out type="self" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1440]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%">!ppp</out><out type="break" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1440]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%"/><out type="script">%USERVAR[1191]%Wrong word! %USERVAR[1190]%2 hits %USERVAR[1191]%removed...</out><out type="push" extdata="1450"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1450]%" rvalue="2"/></out><out type="script" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1450]%" rvalue="1">%USERVAR[1191]%No hits remaining! Here is the word: %USERVAR[1190]%%USERVAR[1437]%</out><out type="self" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1450]%" rvalue="1">!ppp</out><out type="break" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[1450]%" rvalue="1"/></command><command type="script" usergroup="PPadmin"><in>!ppp</in><out type="script">%USERVAR[1193]%HANGMAN %USERVAR[1191]%ready for another player! %USERVAR[1193]%Created by Zé%USERVAR[1193]%nar</out><out type="self">!ppclose</out></command><command type="script" usergroup="PPadmin"><in>!ppclose</in><out type="pop" extdata="1195"/><out type="pop" extdata="1430"/><out type="pop" extdata="1433"/><out type="pop" extdata="1434"/><out type="pop" extdata="1435"/><out type="pop" extdata="1436"/><out type="pop" extdata="1437"/><out type="pop" extdata="1438"/><out type="pop" extdata="1439"/><out type="pop" extdata="1440"/><out type="pop" extdata="1441"/><out type="pop" extdata="1442"/><out type="pop" extdata="1443"/><out type="pop" extdata="1444"/><out type="pop" extdata="1445"/><out type="pop" extdata="1446"/><out type="pop" extdata="1447"/><out type="pop" extdata="1448"/><out type="pop" extdata="1449"/><out type="pop" extdata="1450"/><out type="pop" extdata="1451"/><out type="pop" extdata="1455"/><out type="pop" extdata="1456"/><out type="pop" extdata="1457"/><out type="pop" extdata="1452"/><out type="pop" extdata="1453"/><out type="pop" extdata="1454"/></command><command type="script" usergroup="PPadmin"><in>!bibliothèque</in><in>!ppmot*</in><in>!library</in><in>#library</in><in>!ppcompter</in><out type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1430]%" rvalue="1">%USERVAR[1191]%Sorry %USERVAR[1194]%%NAME% %USERVAR[1191]%but wait the end of this game to do that!</out><out type="break" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1430]%" rvalue="1"/><out type="script">%USERVAR[1191]%Please wait! This %USERVAR[1193]%HANGMAN %USERVAR[1191]%scan the library!</out><out type="self">!ppscanner1</out></command><command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_"> //This is a new library count! I like that too!<in>!ppscanner1</in>//part 1 (coups de 10000)<out type="push" extdata="1438">10000</out><out type="push" extdata="1437"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="C:\hangman.ini" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1438" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="10000"/></out><out type="goto" extdata="-2" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""/><out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="10000"/></out>//part 2 (coups de 1000)<out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="1000"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1437"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="C:\hangman.ini" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1438" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="1000"/></out><out type="goto" extdata="-2" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""/><out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="1000"/></out>//part 3 (coups de 100)<out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="100"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1437"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="C:\hangman.ini" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1438" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="100"/></out><out type="goto" extdata="-2" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""/><out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="100"/></out>//part 4 (coups de 10)<out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="10"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1437"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="C:\hangman.ini" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1438" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="10"/></out><out type="goto" extdata="-2" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""/><out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="10"/></out>//part 5 (coups de 1)<out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1437"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="C:\hangman.ini" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%"/></out><out type="push" extdata="1438" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="goto" extdata="-2" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[1437]%" rvalue=""/><out type="push" extdata="1438"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[1438]%" rvalue="1"/></out><out type="script">%USERVAR[1191]%This library have %USERVAR[1194]%%USERVAR[1438]% %USERVAR[1191]%words!</out><out type="self">!ppclose</out></command><command type="script" usergroup="PPadmin"><in>!ppcolor*</in><in>!ppcolour*</in><in>!ppcouleur*</in><out type="push" extdata="1195">1</out><out type="self">!hang</out></command></config><command><in>!bot</in><out>This is Metis %VERSION%.</out></command><command><in>!tag</in><out>the tag of this room is /¥\']-[' copy and paste it on ur name</out></command><command><in>!quake</in><out>#c27# ///////// \\\\\\\\\ #NEWLINE##c27# ///////// /\ \\\\\\\\\#NEWLINE##c27#///////// //\\ \\\\\\\\\#NEWLINE##c27#||||||||| ///\\\ |||||||||#NEWLINE##c27#||||||||| ////\\\\ |||||||||#NEWLINE##c27#||||||||| |||||||| ||||||||| #NEWLINE##c27#||||||||| |||||||| |||||||||#NEWLINE##c27#\\\\\\\\\ |||||||| /////////#NEWLINE##c27# \\\\\\\\\ |||||||| ///////// #NEWLINE##c27# \\\\\\\\\ |||||||| /////////#NEWLINE##c27# \|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||/#NEWLINE##c27# \|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||/#NEWLINE##c27# \|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||/#NEWLINE##c27# ||||||||#NEWLINE##c27# ||||||||#NEWLINE##c27# ||||||||#NEWLINE##c27# ||||||||#NEWLINE##c27# ||||||||#NEWLINE##c27# \\\\////#NEWLINE##c27# \\\/// #NEWLINE##c27# \\//#NEWLINE##c27# V </out></command><command><in>!punch</in><out>Ðëä']['']-[' punches %NAME% in the face</out></command><command><in>!pound</in><out>Ðëä']['']-[' pounds %NAME% to DEATH!!!!!!!!!</out></command><command><in>!time</in><out>the time is %TIME%</out></command><command><in>!date</in><out>the date is %DATE%</out></command><command><in>fuck u death</in><out>and FUCK U TO ASSHOLE!!!</out></command><command><in>fuck you death</in><out>and FUCK U TO DICKHEAD!!!</out></command><command><in>:'(</in><out>have a cry BITCH!!!</out></command><command><in>!trivia</in><out>/mxc trivia start</out></command><command><in>!trivia stop</in><out>/mxc trivia stop</out></command><command type="script"><in>!doom</in><out>#c16# ___ ____ ____ __ __</out> <out>#c16#| | | | | | | \/ |</out> <out>#c17#| | | | | | | |\/| |</out> <out>#c17#| / \ / \ / \/ | |</out> <out>#c31#| / \ / \ / | |</out> <out>#c31#|/ \/ \/ \/</out><out>#c16# _______</out><out>#c16# \ /\ /</out><out>#c16# \/ \/</out><out>#c16# /\ /\</out><out>#c16# / \/ \</out></command><command><in>ur a asshole death</in><out>all of us know ur a asshole %NAME%</out></command><command><in>anyone here</in><out>yeh im always here</out></command><command><in>fuck this chatroom</in><out>/banip %IP%</out></command><command><in>snowfight</in><out>#NEWLINE##c1# --===(_() -----===(_() ----===(_() -----===(_() --- -===(_()----===(_()#NEWLINE##c8# MARSHMALLOW FIGHT!!!!!#c1# --===(_() --===(_()#c8# WAKE UP!!!!#NEWLINE##c1# --===(_() --===(_() ---===(_() -----==(_() ---===(_()</out></command><command><in>HAPPY NEW YEAR </in><out>#NEWLINE##c4# \ \ | / /#NEWLINE##c5# (#c7#O O#c5#)#NEWLINE##c8#+----#c5#oOO#c8#--#c5#(_)#c8#----------+#NEWLINE##c8#| #c8#HAPPY NEW #c8#|#NEWLINE##c8#| YEAR!! |#NEWLINE##c8#+--------------#c5#oOO#c8#------+#NEWLINE##c9# |__|__|#NEWLINE##c5# | | |#NEWLINE##c5# ooO Ooo</out></command><command><in>hangman</in><out>#NEWLINE##c9# ||#NEWLINE##c9# ||#NEWLINE##c9# ||#NEWLINE##c9# ||#NEWLINE##c9# ||#NEWLINE##c16# [_-]#NEWLINE##c16# [_-]#NEWLINE##c16# [_-]#NEWLINE##c16# [_-]#NEWLINE##c16# [_-]#NEWLINE##c16# // \\#NEWLINE##c16# // \\#NEWLINE##c16# // \\#NEWLINE##c16# || ||#NEWLINE##c16# || ||#NEWLINE##c16# \\ //#NEWLINE##c16# ~====~</out></command><command><in>Beer!</in><out>#c1# |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| \\___ </out><out>#c1# |____#c8#B u d w e i s e r#c1#____ | ||''|"`,__. </out><out>#c1# |__...___..._______ ===== |=||_|_|.....,] </out><out>#c1# "#c21#(#c22#@#c21##c21#)#c2#**#c21#(#c22#@#c21#)#c2#********|#c21#(#c22#@#c21#)*(#c22#@#c21#)#c2#********#c21#(#c22#@#c2##c21#)*</out></command><command><in>!castle</in><out>#c9# . - - . </out><out>#c9# _ ( ` . </out><out>#c9# ( ) </out><out>#c9# ( ` . ) ) </out><out>#c9# `--(___ . - ' </out><out>#c8# _-----#c9#| #c9# __ _ _ __</out><out> #c8# -----#c9#| #c66# ]---I---I---I---[</out><out>#c9# __ _ _ _ __ #c7#_-----#c9#| #c9#|#c7# _-----#c9#| #c9# \ ` ' /</out><out>#c66# ] -I -I -I -I - [ #c7#-----#c9#| #c9#| #c7#-----#c9#| #c9# | . |</out><out>#c9# \ ` '_/ #c9#| #c9# #c66#/ \ #c9#| #c9# | /^\ | </out><out>#c9# [*] __| #c66# ^ / ^ \ ^ #c9#| |*| |</out><out>#c9# |__ ,| #c66# / \ / \ / \ #c9#| #c66#==== #c9#|</out><out>#c66# ___#c9#| #c66#___ , #c9#|#c66#___ #c66#/ /=_=_=_=\ \ #c9#| , _ |</out><out>#c66# I__I___I__I___I_I #c66#(=====(_________) #c66#|__#c9#|#c66#_______#c9#|#c66#____</out><out>#c66# \---\----|---|----/---/ #c9# | I [ ] __ I #c66#I__I__|____I_I__|</out><out>#c9# | [ ] '| | [ ] | ` __ . [ #c66# \--\--\---|---|---/--/</out><out>#c9# | . | | ' | | I I |-------------------|</out><out>#c66# / \ #c9#| [ ] . |__|---|__|---|---|__|---|__|---|__|---| [ ] [ ] |</out><out>#c66# <===> #c9# | . |#c66#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#c9#| | #c66#/ \</out><out>#c66# ] [ ] | #c9#` [ ] | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | | - #c66# <====></out><out>#c66# ] [ ] | #c9#` | ||#c66#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#c9#| . [ ] . #c66# | [ ] [</out><out>#c66# <===> #c9# ' | | | || | || | | | . | #c66#<====></out><out>#c66# \ T / #c9# | |--- | | | || O | O || | | | . ' .#c66#\ T /</out><out>#c9# | . __| | | || | || | | | |. |</out><out>#c68# . . . . #c9#/ | ' v . | . | | | /||____|____||\ | | | . . . . . . \ #c68#. . . .</out><out>#c68# ..-----.----..,___.--,--'`,---..-.--+--'"---_ _.-..----.----..`,---..---.----..,___.--,--'`,---..-</out></command><command><in>brb</in><in>bbs</in><in>bbiab</in><in>bbl</in><in>afk</in><out>k %NAME% htfhb b4 i get so mad I'll kill u</out><out>htfb %NAME% ur startin to piss me off already</out><out>ffs %NAME% ur pissin me off u better be back in 10secs or I'll get my double barrow shotgun out</out></command><command type="script"><in>!rock</in><out type="push" extdata="rock">%RANDOMNUM[3]%</out><out type="push" extdata="rock" condition="==" lvalue=$rock$ rvalue=0> #c9#Rock! ... It's a DRAW!</out><out type="push" extdata="rock" condition="==" lvalue=$rock$ rvalue=1> #c9#Paper! ... I WIN!!! ... It's a SAGE thing.</out><out type="push" extdata="rock" condition="==" lvalue=$rock$ rvalue=2> #c9#Scissors! ... YOU WIN!!! ... Congratulations!!!</out><out>$rock$</out></command><command type="script"><in>!paper</in><out type="push" extdata="paper">%RANDOMNUM[3]%</out><out type="push" extdata="paper" condition="==" lvalue=$paper$ rvalue=0> #c9#Rock! ... YOU WIN!!! ... Congratulations!!!</out><out type="push" extdata="paper" condition="==" lvalue=$paper$ rvalue=1> #c9#Paper! ... It's a DRAW!</out><out type="push" extdata="paper" condition="==" lvalue=$paper$ rvalue=2> #c9#Scissors! ... I WIN!!! ... It's a SAGE thing.</out><out>$paper$</out></command><command type="script"><in>!scissors</in><out type="push" extdata="scissors">%RANDOMNUM[3]%</out><out type="push" extdata="scissors" condition="==" lvalue=$scissors$ rvalue=0> #c9#Rock! ... I WIN!!! ... It's a SAGE thing.</out><out type="push" extdata="scissors" condition="==" lvalue=$scissors$ rvalue=1> #c9#Paper! ... YOU WIN!!! ... Congratulations!!!</out><out type="push" extdata="scissors" condition="==" lvalue=$scissors$ rvalue=2> #c9#Scissors! ... It's a DRAW!</out><out>$scissors$</out></command><command><in>!rps</in><out> #c9# 'Rock-Paper-Scissors' Game:#NEWLINE# #c9#- Type ... !rock OR !paper OR !scissors. Rock beats Scissors beats Paper beats Rock ... (that's all there is to it).</out></command><command><in>!jini</in><out>#c10# so #c7#%NAME% #c10#you have chosen to awake the great jini of the lamp , to summon the great jini u need only to rub the lamp by typping #c8#!#c8#rub #c10#for the jini to appear!!!</out></command><command type="random"><in>!rub</in><out>go away im busy</out><out>wtf!!! cant u hear , im fuken busy</out><out>im doin laundry</out><out>cant right now , im naked</out><out>sorry , i dn't do that anymore!</out><out>im not in right now , so leave a message</out><out>yea that's it , rub it some more</out><out>whoever told you i grant wishes , lied to you</out><out>you better be naked holding a bowl of jello , cuz i aint coming out for [Censored] !</out><out>show me the money first !</out><out>no wishes for you today , come back tomarrow</out><out>damn it i was sleeping</out><out>/me throws out a rabbits foot, saying "here wish on this"</out><out>hey i can't grant your wishes , cuz if i grant your wish than every one's gonna want one</out></command><command type="RANDOM"><in>!mood</in><out delay="2000">Color=And the color turns #c56#Yellow...lolly and jolly today I see Very Happy</out><out delay="2000">Color=And the color turns #c8#Red...WOW you one mad cow! O_O</out><out delay="2000">Color=And the color turns #c7#Blue...nice too see we in a cool mood Smile</out><out delay="2000">Color=And the color turns #c63#Black...you evil person you!</out><out delay="2000">Color=And the color turns #c61#Purple...and now why are we in a gay mood today %NAME%?! o_O</out><out delay="2000">Color=And the color turns #c54#green...holly..are you really the frisky %NAME%?! :O</out></command><command><in>!8ball</in><out>Thank You %NAME% for choosing My Magic 8-ball to answer your question...</out><out>To use the 8-ball ask your question and type in !shake to get your answer.</out></command><command type="random"><in>!shake</in><out>YES!</out><out>Yes most definately!</out><out>Could be...</out><out>It is possible</out><out>Signs are cloudy with a 50% chance of rain...</out><out>Ask again later</out><out>Might not be a good idea</out><out>Now that is WEAK</out><out>My reply is NO</out><out>ZZZzzz...Huh? Shoot! I was sleeping soundly and you just HAD to wake me up!</out><out>Hey!!! Quit Shaking my home!</out><out>I'm not TALKING to you...</out><out>It's hard to explain right now...</out><out>If you are Lucky...</out><out>Concentrate Harder</out><out>Perhaps</out><out>It is certain</out><out>Dont you already know???</out><out>The future is what you make of it</out><out>No Chance</out><out>Sorry, I wasn't paying attention, there's a very distracting wind up my robe...</out><out>Outcome Unclear</out><out>My sources say NO</out><out>Cannot predict now</out><out>Outlook good</out><out>It's decidedly so</out><out>Without a Doubt</out><out>Dont count on it</out><out>As I see it, Yes</out><out>Outlook not so good</out><out>Signs point to Yes</out><out>You may rely on it</out><out>Very Doubtful</out><out>Better not tell you now</out><out>You're Dreaming!</out><out>Prediction hazy</out><out>What???</out><out>Try that question again...</out><out>Don't bet your last dollar on it!</out><out>Quit pestering me!</out><out>Don't look now but your queue is full of leeches...</out><out>Why you asking me?</out><out>Sorry, all operators are busy at the moment, Please hold and your Question will be answered by the next available operator...</out><out>Beep...beep...Beep</out></command><command type="random"><in>!funny</in><out>How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign?</out><out>How do you know when yogurt goes bad?</out><out>How do you know when you're out of invisible ink?</out><out>How does a shelf salesman keep his store from looking empty?</out><out>How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in t! he mornings?</out><out>How fast do you have to go to keep up with the sun so you're never in darkness?</out><out>How is it possible to have a civil war?</out><out>If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?</out><out>If a stealth bomber crashes in a forest, will it make a sound?</out><out>If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it, do the other trees make fun of it?</out><out>If a tree fell on a mime in the forest, would he make a sound and would anyone care?</out><out>If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?</out><out>If a woman can be a meter maid, can a man be a meter butler?</out><out>If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?</out><out>If an orange is orange, why isn't a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow?</out><out>If God dropped acid, would he see people?</out><out>How many people thought of the Post-It note before it was invented but just didn't have anything to jot it down on?</out><out>How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't grow in it?</out><out>He who laughs last thinks slowest. </out><out>Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film. </out><out>A day without sunshine is like, well, night. </out><out>Change is inevitable except from a vending machine.</out><out>I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.</out><out>Those who live by the sword... get shot by those who don't.</out><out>You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.</out><out>It is hard to understand how a cemetery raised its burial cost and blamed it on the cost of living.</out><out>The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong. </out><out>The things that come to those who wait, may be the things left by those who got there first.</out><out>I wished the buck stopped here as I could use a few.</out><out>I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.</out><out>Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.</out><out>Its Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.</out><out>Always be wary of the Software Engineer who carries a screwdriver</out><out>As far as we know, our computer has never had an undetected error.</out><out>Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't</out><out>Computers will never take the place of books. You can't stand on a floppy disk to reach a high shelf</out><out>Q: Why do woman get their belly buttons pierced?\n A: So they have a place to hang a air freshener!</out><out>Men marry women with the hope they will never change.\n Women marry men with the hope they will change.\n Invaribly they are both disappointed</out><out>Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk.\n Then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit down and be quiet.</out><out>If you smoke after s e x you're doing it too fast.</out><out>Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary?</out><out>Tax reform is taking the taxes off things that have been taxed in the past and putting taxes on things that haven't been taxed before. </out><out>People who have no weaknesses are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them.</out><out>Chocolate. Coffee. Men.Some things are just better rich.</out><out>For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain.</out><out>Having a baby changes the way you view your in-laws. I love it when they come to visit now. They can hold the baby and I can go out</out><out>Oral -sex- makes your day. Anal -sex- makes your HOLE WEAK</out><out>What's the -difference- between love, true love and showing off? Spitting, swallowing, and gargling.</out><out>How can you tell if your wife is dead? The -sex- is the same but the dishes pile up.</out><out>What should you do if your girlfriend starts smoking? Slow down and use a lubricant.</out><out>What's the difference between your wife and your job? After five years your job will still suck</out><out>What do a dildo and soya beans have in common? They are both used as substitute meat.</out><out>Why do they sterilize the needle before a lethal injection.</out><out>You don't have to worry about avoiding temptation, As you get older, it avoids you</out><out>What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? A lickalotopus</out><out>If a firefighters business can go up in smoke, and a plumbers business can go down the drain, can a hooker get layed off?</out><out>Two eggs boiling in a pan, one male and one female.The female egg says "Look, I've got a crack", "No good telling me" replies the male egg "I'm not hard yet"</out><out>How are tornadoes and marriage alike? They both begin with a lot of sucking and blowing, and in the end you lose your house</out><out>If most car accidents occur within five miles of home, why doesn't everyone just move 10 miles away?</out><out>If the black box flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of the stuff?</out><out>Remember, when someone annoys you it takes forty-two muscles in your face to frown. but it only takes four muscles to extend your arm and b*tch-slap the mother fucker upside the head!</out><out>If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is it homeless or naked?</out><out>Never be too open-minded, Your brain might fall out</out><out>No one is totally useless, We all make good compost</out><out>Breast Inspection 20 Feet Ahead (Please Have 'Em Out)</out><out>Im Not An Alcoholic! Im A Drunk! Alcoholics Go To Meetings!</out><out>Jesus Is Coming Look Busy</out><out>Driver Carries No Cash He's Married!</out><out>Take Your Ex Out Tonight (One Bullet Oughtta Do It)</out><out>Hang Up And Drive!!!</out><out>Drugs Lead Nowhere But Its The Scenic Route</out><out>Cant Feed 'Em? Dont Breed 'Em</out><out>I Child-Proofed My House But They Still Get In</out><out>The Shortest Sentence Is "I Am" The Longest Is "I Do"</out><out>Where The Hell Is Easy Street</out><out>If Money Is The Root Of All Evil, Why Do Churches Beg For It?</out><out>Keep Honking Im Reloading</out><out>Guns Dont Kill People Drivers With Cell Phones Do</out><out>Cat! The Other White Meat</out><out>Gun Control Means Using Both Hands</out><out>Work Harder Millions On Welfare Depend On You</out><out>Ever Stop To Think....And Forget To Start Again?</out></command><command type="random"><in>!chinese</in><out>#c6#Thats not right#c8# = #c12#sum ting wong %NAME%</out><out>#c6#stupid man #c8#= #c12#Dum Fuk %NAME%</out><out>#c6#I banged into the coffee table #c8#= #c12#I bang mai Fa kin ni %NAME%</out><out>#c6#I think you need a face lift #c8#= #c12#chin tu fat %NAME%</out><out>#c6#Its very dark #c8#= #c12#Wai so Dim %NAME%</out><out>#c6#I thought you were on a diet #c8#= #c12#Wai u mun ching %NAME%</out><out>#c6##c6#Our meeting is tommorow #c8#= #c12#wai yu kum nao %NAME%</out><out>#c6#Staying out of sight #c8#= #c12#Lei ying lo %NAME%</out><out>your body odour is offensive #c8#= Yu stin ki pu %NAME%</out><out>Im great ty #c8#= Fa kin su pah %NAME%</out></command><command type="script"><in>!flinging squirrel</in><out>Here is a Squirrel game Just For You</out><out>All You need to do is just type #c8#!fling squirrel at (name)and the game will just start automatically</out></command><command type="script"><in>!fling squirrel at %PARAM%</in><out> %NAME% #c2#is getting there slingshot out and is walking around the area to search for a dead squirrel which he can equipt</out><out> %NAME% then finds a squirrel and walks over to it slowly and picks it up and checks it out before %NAME% puts it in there slingshot.</out><out>%NAME% then walks around the area to see if anybody is lurking and then finds someone. %NAME% then aims it at %PARAM% and shoots the squirrel at them which hits them in the eye and they get #c8#mad</out><out> %PARAM% then says "you better get running now or else you will be dead when i catch you"</out><out> %NAME% then says "yea yea you say that all the time %PARAM% but never do it</out></command><command><in>!rules</in><out>rules: swearing is allowed, sharing is allowed, trading is allowed, sharing viruses/worms aren't allowed, porn is allowed</out></command><OnJoinRoom type="script"><out>/mxc run</out><out>/login here</out><out>/bot</out><out>/opmsg Bot ready to work!</out></OnJoinRoom><Trivia time="20" score="3"><q>What is the name of best bot for WinMX?</q><a>Metis</a></Trivia></config>