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Author Topic: Is this weird or normal?  (Read 3754 times)

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Is this weird or normal?
« on: October 07, 2005, 09:54:22 pm »
Pardon the ignorance of this question as I am simply a giver/receiver of songs - with little knowledge of the P2P process really works. I figure if I get I should give and it works for me.

I have an "always on" cable connection and people regularly upload from my library - but I've noticed that EVERYONE who tries (and there seem to be MANY, MANY tries) for two specific songs, time out waiting for a connection while others (often simultaneously) are easily getting songs from my seems to be just these two songs that won't upload for others.

I have several uploads taking place almost constantly EXCEPT those two songs - which no one can seem to get connected to EVER. Is this odd or unusual?

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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 11:17:41 pm »
Well Sped, honestly I think most users might say you just havent seen the ones that do complete a download of those two tracks..

However, this actually has happened to me.  The songs where by Creed, and I have my file transfers set so that I have to manually removed the information from my transfers screen so that I can monitor whats uploaded from me.

These two tracks where never completed.  Not once, in normal circumstances, but when I asked some one to test them and browse me and try them they downloaded fine...

So I havent a clue why this has happened, but my ? to you is what tracks where  they?

Send me a pm if your uncomfortable discussing this in public..


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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2005, 12:26:16 am »
Well, there must be something to this then because one of the two songs I am referring to is a Creed song (the other is Evanescence). Weird, huh?

I did a search for the two songs as if I were to download them for myself and there are VERY FEW available resources for either one...tons of files but they are all in queue, etc.


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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2005, 12:27:43 am »
Oh, and I forgot to add. I, too, have my screen set to see ALL activity (complete and incomplete) - that stays until I clear it. So I can see that NO ONE has been able to actually get these two songs from my library.

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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2005, 12:41:59 am »
I think your onto something, and its not just us.. I will investigate fruther..

In the mean time since ..well we have guests here from all over .. like our friends at the RIAA...

How bout if you contact me by email about this.. I would love to have some screen shots of these who are trying ..

also the info on the evansense too..



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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2005, 12:47:07 am »
I tried a little experiment - I downloaded another copy of each song from Shareaza (easily too...) and put them in my shared library - so now I have two versions of each one. I will see if now users can get the songs.

They are, for the record: Creed - With Arms Wide Open and Evanescence - My Immortal.

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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2005, 01:14:48 am »
Gotcha.. let me know. i suspect you'll find they are the same result,, mine didnt originate from winmx either..

i have redownloaded them and am sharing now..

Here kitty kitty kitty... come n get em... lol


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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2005, 01:55:39 am »
Well, of course, you were right LOL! That didn't work - have had several "attempts" at the newly downloaded versions and they don't connect either. I feel badly for these people - who seem to desparately want these two songs but I don't know how else to help!

I wrote a message in another topic but maybe I can address it here since you are so good at responding to what are likely silly questions from novices.

I have been running WinMx on this computer (with a Cable connection) for about six weeks (new computer, new cable internet connection). I am running a primary. Up until today I had not been running PeerGuardian (I know, shame on me) but, at least I am firewalled.

Well, tonight I downloaded PG2 and noticed that several of the known bad IP's have been blocked just this evening. Should I be freaking out that I was running WinMx as a primary connection (almost constantly) for the last six weeks without blocking those? Because I kind of am....freaking out that is.

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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2005, 01:51:35 pm »
Spedz for now please unshare your Creed as you can see the Peerguardian isnt blocking these connections and they are not real users..

I cant tell you exactly what they are yet, all I can tell you is that I reshared my tracks to see and have had 30 of these attempts and I am researching the IPs now..

Keep running Peer with our block list from here and our allow list from here also...

I am looking into this and will post here what I find out..



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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2005, 02:46:43 pm »

I added both those lists from that link - but does that mean I have update them DAILY? That page made it look like I need to to that on a daily basis...that's likely not going to happen every single day (maybe once a week when I do all my maintenance stuff...).

If I can't do that, should I take myself down as a primary?

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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2005, 04:42:25 pm »
Ok after monitoring this for several hours now, its definately not normal activity, however its not possible to get the IPs to block them as yet...

I am open to suggestions on that task.

For now I suggest you use MX Monitor and if you dont like the idea of a upload manager I understand this but considering the amount of uploads attempted and the nature of this I suggest installing and running it.

You can get the self installing version and instructions on set up from here

I have mine set to ignore anyone with less then 1 file, and the whois time set at 300 seconds, also I have set it not to ignore by connection type as many people are on opennap and there connections report lower if they have downloads running...

Any ?s let me know ...

Spedz also when you add those block lists if you choose to add the url instead of download it and add it in file form it will update automatically...

Instructions on this are forth coming later today..


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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2005, 05:58:27 pm »
O.K...taken care of - added the MX Monitor and set it up as you suggested. Question though - I am running WinMX by clicking on the WinMx logo on the monitor. I have been getting uploads but nothing appears to be happening on the Monitor screen. Is this normal or did I do something wrong?

On the other thing: I find it very odd that when doing a search for the aforementioned songs - there are virtually no available resources for them - they are cued (big cues too).

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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2005, 07:14:02 pm »
Keep in mind your not alone out there...

Since your post I have been loging traffic for this track and have had over 50 in less then 24 hours.

I suspect that this is not loging IPs however but another method for disrupting the network...

When you are using Moni if you choose to start winmx with it you can do this

Go to the top Settings Button, in the drop down choose enviromental settings,  In this box tick the first 4 oprions, this will allow your MX Monitor to start your WinMX.

If your already up and running and you have no logs but you DO have tranfers then please click the WinMX logo on your MX Monitor again and it should start logging..



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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2005, 09:20:19 pm »
Hi guys

I have a theory, not sure if it's right or even feasible, I'm no techno wiz and my understandings of the network workings are limited to what I can understand from reading your posts and threads on the subject.

Anyhow, when I first noticed the Creed anomalies going on, I've been doing the whois, and browsing of these names.

Some won't allow me to look, the others load up and the big give away is them have transfer status numbers usually high but no files to share, i.e. 117 0f 174,  one knob even had 125 of 123 slots available, a mathematical impossibility.
I noticed that they are of differing speeds, some being Primarys and others secondrys.

I then asked myself, if they aren't flooding, what are they trying to do?,

My conclusions being that these are false accounts, Since we a banning IP's that we know of of being flooder's, they can't flood, so they want to disrupt instead, the best way to do that is to stop the d/loads, i.e. cause them to time out.
It's also part of war to change your tactics once it is being effectively attacked itself, While we put our efforts into one thing they are trying another, Out flank us if you will!

Everyone in the last few days that tries to u/load from me has timed out, I timed out d/loading from them.

why and how being my big question.
Answer False accounts.

I was thinking if they are creating false accounts,  secondrys so we can't get the IP numbers from them, and they help out there primary connections to stay on line,  so even when us legit users are out of there reach they are able to stay on the network as there own little network inside our big network, because without Primarys running and  us  banning them as soon as we are finding them, they will eventually fall off the network won't they? now with these false accounts, if they screw down the  bandwidth speeds to the minimum, all our downloads and uploads running through their  primary or in some cases 2 or more Primarys would eventualy time out won't they? and there you have the big disruption that gets people pissed off enough to lose faith and leave the WinMX network.

As stated I'm no wiz so if this makes no sense and sounds like a load of shit, just say so, and I'll go back to just singing with my tunes  :)

P.S. me here, I have captured a couple with the program you suggested, and will send via email when I reach 5 of them.  :twisted:


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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2005, 11:46:39 pm »
I figured out that WinMx monitor thing - I just had a brain burp and was a little embarrassed to come back here and fess up - but here I am  LOL!

I have taken the "songs in question" off of sharing and have not had a problem since with any other songs but I am tempted to put them back now with the monitor up to see what is getting timed out.

I am getting a lot of rejected uploads from "non-sharing" WinMx users (who, by the way, piss me off anyway...taking and giving is NOT cool).

I am watching the monitor and my uploads pretty closely now though.


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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2005, 01:35:11 am »
I put the Creed one back and EVERY SINGLE attempt (which are now being ignored because of the filter) are from users with "0" files to share AND they have weird users names like "xxx_Numberless" etc. This whole thing is intriguingly odd and I find it very unusual that they are focusing on one artist/song...

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Is this weird or normal?
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2005, 02:31:50 am »
Yes Spedz, as I mentioned these are definatly not normal users.. as Newt pointed out the uploads slots of 46 out of 128 ..etc.. is not right ..

This is not flooding per say tho,  keep in mind the flooding happens on searches.. and if you serach this there are sources out there .. again with large queues...

This is not an attempt to log IPs either, as I said these appear to be secondary users so logging IPs is useless from there...

This is another attempt to disrupt the network and flood connection to our primaries.. plain and simple the plan needs to be to run moni along with either Sherwood or Peer guardian with our block list in place.

These are dynamic IPs mostly from Japan area, now thats not to say that the Japanese people are doing this, again these are secondary connections and so they are attaching to mostly Japnese primaries..

I highly suspect its a way to take up even more of our secondary slots.

This attempt wont help them stay connected to the network, they have built into thier software ways to connect to our pirmaries without the need to go thourgh our peer caches, being a seperate network is not reasonable either as they find you in searches, and being on a seperate network they would not.

For now I am going to continue to hunt the actual IPs.. and see if we can get this stoped.. let me know any thing new you see..

Again for now please use MX Monitor

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