Below you will find a list of ports that are "normally" allocated to the application listed with them. The hopes of this list is to provide users that are victims of ISP port shaping some choices that might help them to better use and enjoy WinMX. I make no guarantees to these as they have to be tested by users on the ISPs that are doing the filtering, throttling, and blocking.
If you have any of the services listed beside the ports in use on your computer they will most likely conflict causing you to receive an error message. If this happens you will need to try a different port for WinMX.
The ports are listed with the protocol they use normally. Both meaning they are suitable for either TCP or UDP use with WinMX. This does NOT mean that you can set them up in a router, dsl modem, or firewall as BOTH. In most cases WinMX will only work correctly if you assign a separate port for each in your router, dsl modem, and firewalls. The description of BOTH below simply means you may assign it for either for WinMX to use, not both at the same time.
That said keep in mind that you will have to change these in your router, dsl modem, firewall, and anywhere else you had to set specific ports for WinMX for them to work correctly, as with any ports. If you need help with this visit the Tutorials section and choose the relevant pages to guide you.
1024 BOTH - Netmeeting
1503 TCP - Netmeeting
407 BOTH - Remote Control
1417-1420 TCP - Remote Control
427 BOTH - Service Location Protocol, used by Mac
548 BOTH - Apple Talk Filing Protocol
631 BOTH - Internet Printing Protocol
799 TCP - Remotely Possible Control IT
1352 TCP - Lotus Notes
1490, 6670, 25793 TCP - VocalTec Internet Phone 22555 UDP - VocalTec Internet Phone
1533 TCP - Virtual Places
1720 BOTH - H.323 host call
1723 TCP,BOTH - PPTP/virtual private network (VPN)
1921 TCP - Netopia netOctopus
1917 BOTH - Netopia netOctopus
3031 UDP - Program Linking, Remote Apple Events
3283 UDP - Apple Network Assistant
3389 BOTH - Remote Desktop Web Connection
3659 BOTH - Mac OS X Server Password Server
4747 UDP - secure phone
4899 BOTH - remote control
5000-5001 TCP - Yahoo Voice Chat
5000-5010 UDP - Yahoo Voice Chat
5100 TCP - Mac OS X camera and scanner sharing
5353 BOTH - Mac OS: About Multicast DNS.
5631 TCP - remote control
5632 UDP - remote control
5800+, 5900+ TCP - VNC
5988 TCP - Apple Remote Desktop 2.0 or later
9100 BOTH - PDL datastream
**If you have other ports you think would be good for folks to try please feel free to post them here also.
Keep in mind that if many users are on the same ports ISP will often adjust the software they use to disrupt your WinMX, in this case simply find some new ports. This is also the reason for this list, if we can spread this out with successful ports then, they are not as likely to be able to shape traffic on these ports.
Also remember that one user on an ISP may have luck with a set of ports that other users on that same ISP found didnt work for them. Be sure if you dont have luck with some to keep trying.
Hope this helps yall
Hahaha one time I was on a hotel and they had default SSH port 22 blocked so I set my VPS'es SSH server on IMAP port or something. From there I could SSH to ohter machines and port forward to and from the VPS over the secure tunnel.
I had to setup a socks proxy on localhost to use MX on one wifi network. I could also use SOCKS proxy through TOR for MX and do the same w/ Firefox or use Tor Browser to bypass fortiguard!!!