It seems the news is all UK this week with it normally being Canada that gets all my attention I cant really complain households are now more likely to have a broadband connection than residents of towns, says Ofcom. The regulator's regional communications market report shows that 59% of rural households have broadband compared to 57% of urban homes. It is the first time that the country has overtaken the town, according to the report.
Four years ago urban dwellers were twice as likely to have broadband as those living in the country.
The report also reveals big differences in take-up of modern communications across the UK.
Sunderland appears to be the UK's most connected city, with 66 % of households having broadband and 96% using digital television. Glasgow has the lowest take-up of broadband in the UK at 32 %.
Ofcom could not explain why Sunderland was at the top of the broadband league but said Glasgow's position probably reflected low levels of household income and computer ownership .
It is unfortunately always the case that empowering technology is certain to reach those least able to afford it and thus most in need of it, last.
Lets hope the current upwardly climbing number of the online population continues to do so and that sufficient provision and serious investment is made for this growth.