Yesterday Eagle was speaking in the wmw chatroom and was asking where all the community programmers where and why they hadnt pulled together to create a new client, I did my best to inform him that many are busy in real life and some undertaking important studies etc but that some had just disappeared.
He suggested we call all programmers (of any programming language) and bring them together for a serious discussion on where to start on a new client as one is seriously needed if we are to keep abreast of the changing tide of problems we will likely face using a static code-base, I am happy to pass this message on from him and urge all those interested to make themselves known and a time and place will be arranged to launch this new project that will have the benefit of multiple coders to ensure it doesn't fail, the two recent projects are still alive and unfortunately awaiting coder time to reach release versions, Eagle hopes a team will to be able to work past such bottlenecks by making the code modular and therefore the language is not a factor stopping coders from taking part whatever their speciality.
Lets hear from you programming folks if you have something to offer, good will and the ability to learn are all that is required, I will be chasing many of the old hands up also to join the crew of this project so if you don't volunteer expect to be visited