Before any of you folks sit down to watch the TV tonight beware, dark organisations are undermining democracy for thier own greedy profit might not come as a surprise when we tell you that the RIAA wants to turn the Internet into a virtual police state. Still, it’s quite scary to see what their “future Internet” would look like.
ACTA is a big deal, and the entertainment industry is doing all it can to get it implemented as soon as possible. Thus far, they have managed to convince the G8 to push the agreement, and encourage member states to get the agreement ready for implementation by the end of the year.
The RIAA’s wishlist was published several weeks ago, but hasn’t received much press. There are several scary suggestions in there though, and if the RIAA could have its way, the Internet would be turned into a virtual police state immediately.
You can help the RIAA and those intent on putting their bank accounts before you folks simply by doing do nothing.
If your one of those who actually wants rights for yourself and your children then get to work posting and drawing attention to these underhand deals done by those we think we can trust and remind some of those who are being payed with your taxes who they work for, dont lose your rights through apathy, expose these vampire cartels to daylight folks and watch them wither.