Why should we be forced to bankroll these creativity leeches ?
Why dont those who whine and moan about so called "illegal" filesharing get a real job and in the process lose a few layers of fat from around their midriff.
Ask the artists how they feel about getting 1/10th of the revenue and working damn hard for it while some fat chap in a suit gets a lot more, and none of us have to look further than shows like American Idol or the X-factor to see how they mislead the public and contestants as to the winners prize and in the meanwhile deliver the entertainment talent of hopefuls at zero cost to themselves while raking in ludicrus amounts of money when they sell the show rights, pure selfish greed.
If anyone thinks its a good idea to pay artists directly then I,m behind them but to pay a slob middleman (aka recording industry executive) to get fatter on the work of others is not something I can support and nor would I expect any of you to do so either.