Cary "Nero" Sherman, gave a rather one sided interview to some college students but for all the annoyance of him getting 2 or 3 chances to speak while the student only get to ask pre-arranged (and no doubt vetted ) questions it has much of interest. Sherman wants you to know that he isn’t against you enjoying music in your own fashion. According to the RIAA president, he is deeply concerned about investing in new artists and keeping your local record store open. In an online press conference held on November 18, 2005, Sherman discussed his views on the Grokster decision, Sony’s DRM Rootkit, and who is really getting hurt by music piracy.
While the major aim of the conference was to discuss the Grokster ruling, Sherman also touched on the closure of the WinMX and i2hub networks.
I urge you all to read the full article as it touches on many half truths he is perpetuating to the outside world.
He claims Sony has made a formal apology for the DRM fiasco, where is this Cary ?
He also claims WinMx looked at the Grokster case and closed its doors, hmm he seems to have forgotten the frivilous lawsuit threat his organisation sent them a day or 2 beforehand threatening massive expensive legal attacks, as they certainly never closed down until then.
He further claims and no doubt will try to use this one again next year, that local stores are closing due to piracy, and there was me thinking that its because of the 80 new legal downloading services he mentions.
It seems they are the ones making it unprofitable to run a store, a similar complaint that the cinema chains made against the MPAA, but hey he wouldnt lie to you would he ??