Which version is the newest update? The 3.52 or the 3.54 beta version? I am confused!
v3.53 was the last 'final' version.
v3.54 went thru 4 betas before the dev team abandoned it.
imo, v3.54 beta 4 is the best for those that really share.
It has a new file share system that uses folder, file and type level permissions. This allows you organize your files in a tree to suit you, and share selected files from multiple folders without being forced to share all the folder contents or having to duplicate your files in a dedicated share folder.
Many users were actively testing this version and providing steady feedback and as a result, beta 4 is very stable. It is so stable, it could have been made the final release for that version.. I obviously highly recommend it for those that share. The advanced file share system is irrelavant to those who do not share, only leech.