will never be another Jack Valenti at the MPAA. Everyone agrees about that.
But whoever the six major studios choose to lead Hollywood's chief lobbying group, that person will face dramatic challenges in defining the org's role in the Internet era.
Still one of the highest-paid lobbying gigs in Washington -- and certainly one of the more glamorous -- the job is ever more wonkish as the org pursues an agenda of fighting digital piracy and curbing copyright theft via complicated trade pacts.
The MPAA finds itself pulled in all sorts of directions on issues like net neutrality -- caught between competing sentiments even within the parent media congloms themselves -- as well as competing voices among increasingly powerful lobbying arms in the tech sector. And as studios test the boundaries of digital delivery of movies into homes, they run the risk of alienating other trade groups like the National Assn. of Theater Owners.
"There will never be another Jack Valenti at the MPAA. Everyone agrees about that."
Thank [insert your own word here] for that.
Many will not be too upset about that.