This could be the start of a fundamental change in browser usage and porn sites.,1249,635164664,00.htmlCP80, a nonprofit organization that proposes that the existing Internet infrastructure of ports and protocols be used to categorize all Web content into channels, allowing Internet users to choose the type of content they want to receive — much like cable television.
The group also calls for legislation to "support and empower its solution," making sure pornographic content is published only on adult-designated channels and putting laws in place to make pornographers who violate the law accountable, similar to the way the Federal Communications Commission regulates television and radio.
For the past three months, Yarro has spent a lot of time in Washington, D.C., where the CP80 Internet Channel Initiative is seeking political support.
This looks like a good workable idea but I have my reservations regarding the potential for abuse of any regulations that would slowly creep to expand more power against free speech and content.