This Lawyers comments would be pretty comical if it wasnt so obviously a desperate measure against NZ government overreaction. making a security-themed presentation on the new Copyright (Infringing File-Sharing) Amendment Act in Wellington, lawyer Michael Wigley was brief beyond the expectations of his audience.
If you are the account holder for an organisation running a network, he says, there are two things you can do to protect yourself from penalties under the Act. “Get all your IP addresses from APNIC [the Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre] or stop all peer-to-peer traffic,” he said. “That’s my talk, thank you very much.”
As APNIC is an overseas organisation rather than a local ISP, it will not be obliged by the law to act on a request made by a content owner (typically a music publisher or film company) about allegedly copy-right-infringing downloads or uploads, Wigley said, elaborating on his simple message.
I wonder how may small organisations offering third party ISP access take what this lawyer has said to heart, it really does seem a shame a few fat cats can pay off politicians to bring in anti consumer legislation and forget the whole idea of copyright is to implement a temporary monopoly not a permanenet one.