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Author Topic: Link Saver  (Read 3649 times)

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Link Saver
« on: March 28, 2013, 01:54:24 pm »
This is a great little script that I made almost two years ago. It logs links that are posted in your room and allows you to browse posted links and search for links. It is similar to the Link Grabber that I'm sure many of you have seen but it has a few features that Link Grabber doesn't have.

One of the main requests I had from people who used Link Grabber was the ability to erase links. This is difficult in Metis because it doesn't support Arrays but I came up with an old school solution for Link Saver which enables file based arrays to be created and managed.

What this means is, you can delete links and you can even undo deletions incase you delete some links by mistake. All inside the room with commands instead of needing to edit the files like with Link Grabber.

Another difference is short URL support built in. In WinMX you can double click a link to highlight it, that makes it easier to copy and paste in to your web browser. The problem is if the link is too long or uses certain characters double clicking it may not select the full link. By using the links get shortened to only 11 characters or so making selection very easy (Double clicking always works).

And finally it shows you the title of the webpage so you know what the page is about before you go and check it out. This is great for when someone posts a link to a Youtube video for example as you can see what the video is called before opening it.

Here are an assortment of screenshots showing how the script looks:

View the image large by clicking here:

You'll notice the green and white design, you don't need to use this at all. The script once run will create a file called Customisation.Settings.File.ini in the folder C:\Pri.Script.Dependencies\Link.Saver simply open this file in Notepad and you can change how the script looks completely. Not just colours but text, the way links are saved, what is shown in the chat, how the browse menu is set out. You can also customise how many results are shown, how many links can be deleted in one go and much more. The file is very easy to use and you don't need to reload your bot after changing things, it all happens instantly.  :gum:

This script works fully offline, all the links posted in your room are saved to your own computer. It does check for updates automatically (like my other scripts) but that is its only use of the internet beyond the url shortening queries.

To download the script you can get the latest version here:

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