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Author Topic: DVD Decrypter Program And Site Taken Down  (Read 2468 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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DVD Decrypter Program And Site Taken Down
« on: June 06, 2005, 10:05:38 pm »
Seems the finanacial muscle is working dividends for the Cartel  :x

Anyone hosting DVD Decrypter is advised to cease doing so immediately. I've the feeling they won't stop with just me. I'm having to contact anyone I know of that is (at the very least, the "mirror" sites), and tell them to stop. Copies of those emails must also be sent to the solicitors so they can check I'm doing everything I'm supposed to. If I don't, I die.

That was from the author of the tool after being served with a notice from some Cartel puppet.

Once again these nazis, are marching proudly all over everyone elses rights at the expense of the ordinary citizen who is no longer able to back up their own paid for copies, of dvd,s they have dutifully purchased.

Folks we need to show these "File Fascists" that stopping folks from utilising their fair use rights is theft, from us the consumer and we will not tolerate it, let us boycott any dvd,s with a protection system and import the protection free variaties from places like France.

Meanwhile you may get the last released version from here and remember to untick "check for updates"

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  DVD Decrypter Program And Site Taken Down

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