This trailer looks intresting live in a world in which our privacy is constantly being violated -- and we're basically asking for it.
That's the lesson you learn when you dive into "Do Not Track," an interactive online documentary series that debuted at the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival. "Do Not Track" pulls back the digital curtain on how your online life is monitored, manipulated and monetized.
It all comes down to the data trail you unwittingly leave behind as you surf, search, read and write online. "Do Not Track" reveals that trail, and like a black light in a cheap motel room, the results are disturbing.
Director Brett Gaylor used to work for the Mozilla Foundation, which makes the Firefox browser. A few years ago, the self-described "Internet champion" started to feel increasingly uncomfortable about the way third-party sites were collecting, using and selling information about people based on their browsing behavior.
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