This sounds like good news Comment On New USMCA Trade Agreement
“Unfortunately, the agreement’s proposed text does not advance adequate modern copyright protections for American creators. Instead, the proposal enshrines regulatory twenty-year-old ‘safe harbor’ provisions that do not comport with today’s digital reality. These provisions enrich platforms that abuse outdated liability protections at the expense of American creators and the U.S. music community, which provides real jobs and is one of our nation’s biggest cultural assets.
“Modern trade treaties should advance the policy priority of encouraging more accountability on public platforms, not less. We are hopeful that the Administration and Congress will redouble their efforts to further this priority going forward, which is front and center in the national dialogue today. We look forward to working with both USTR and Congress to ensure that this text serves not as a precedent but a launching pad for future negotiations toward a framework that works for everyone in the digital marketplace, including creators.”
It seems a good thing when the RIAA dislikes a trade agreement of any sort, it usually means consumers will get a great deal without having to pay multiple times for the same content, a constant wet dream of such copyright zealots as the RIAA, MPAA & their global affiliates.
Most consumers purchase music or movies that they enjoy, the profits created by hollywood and the recording industries globally demonstrate this simple rule and yet vast profits seem to mean nothing when further booty can be seen to be had simply for the political asking (or more commonly
bribing "persuading" with free holidays, gifts for "consultations" or simple campaitgn contributions as well as the usual threats to relocate plant and employment out of non compliant areas), this is the stock in trade of the copyright zealot and they take no prisoners, neither should the public.
We all enjoy youtube and such offerings not simply to watch adverts btw but to explore for new images, learning, meaningful sounds and creative events.
What bit about folks not buying music they havent heard of do such organisations not understand ?