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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Social Media On Autopilot - Tech Giants Outbreak Prevention Strategy

Author Topic: Social Media On Autopilot - Tech Giants Outbreak Prevention Strategy  (Read 1375 times)

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Offline GhostShip

  • Ret. WinMX Special Forces
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Humans have been sent home this week leaving the machines in charge  :crazy:
Major websites are turning to automatic systems to moderate content as they tell their staff to work from home.

YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are all relying on artificial intelligence and automated tools to find problematic material on their platforms, the tech giants admit this may lead to some mistakes - but say they still need to remove harmful content.

The coronavirus scare has led to a surge of medical misinformation across the web.

It surprises me that these major web players are unable to facillitate the operation of their employee's web based roles from homes but maybe the bots will do a good job and no one will notice  :whistle:

Offline wonderer

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not so quite surprising as a setup remote control makes the company more vulnerable for hacking, so that door will stay closed

Offline GhostShip

  • Ret. WinMX Special Forces
  • WMW Team
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Most of the companies locally in my area use a VPN service to access the company equipment, this allows for a very miniscule quantity of  fixed IP's to be allowed access, a lot easier than trying to filter out the entire internet  :-D

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Social Media On Autopilot - Tech Giants Outbreak Prevention Strategy

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