Folks This is a good article from Slycks and its well worth a full read. being thorough in exterminating commercial developers, the movie industry has successfully ridden the United States of virtually all indexing or tracking servers. LokiTorrents and EliteTorrents, the last of the American BitTorrent trackers, were successfully eliminated last year. As more trackers began setting up overseas and outside the jurisdiction of the United States, the movie industry then targeted indexing sites. Although these indexing sites do not have tracking responsibilities or do they host any media files, they act as an interface to the tracker’s database.
Faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, few developers or indexing administrators have challenged the entertainment industry’s claim of copyright infringement.
But that’s just the United States, as a whole world exists outside the North American continent. The pursuit of Sharman Networks in Australia has proven incompetent, while FrostWire, Ares, KCeasy, eMule and many other open source projects show no signs of abating. The same can’t be said about the United States, where the venture into any large scale P2P development is asking for legal trouble.
I think this is sorry news for US users who where using the latest ideas and programs to build online communities only to have them attacked and disrupted and finally sued into denial of their use by mafia style organisations that took their cash for granted.
No middleman should ever be awarded a monopoly over a market and I hope the US folks take up literary arms against these file facists who seek to justify their creed of greed through paid for legislation.
Imagine a land where all houses followed a patented plan and no one could build without paying a levy to some guy who had no hand in the design.