When files are not downloading its usually a settings thing. On the side of the source.
Our blocking is of Macrovision a company that floods WinMx with Fake files causing disruption to users. There are no IP numbers from the Asian area at this time.
Many users not just Japanese users use programs for trade or upload limits for shared files such as MxMonitor. This does not identify folks by the IP so no they are NOT blocking IPs in this way. Its possible for anyone to have WinMx set up wrong no matter how good the network of their ISP is.. WinMx is a flexible program allowing for many types of connections and set ups..
Increasing your time out settings is good, and its just about the only thing you can do from your end, be sure your sharing similar material to that your seeking, make sure your sharing a fair number of files, these things will help you to not get ignored by users MxMonitor.