I have had an autologin script in metis for members that basically just added a + in front of their name using a user group. It worked for months and now all of a sudden stopped working. can anyone tell me what might be wrong. The bot says it set the user level on entry but the + isnt showing upin front of the name... I am hosting with FXS if that makes a difference... Thank you
<usergroup name="member">
<OnEnter usergroup="member">
<out>/setuserlevel %NAME% +acCvN+</out>
<out>Welcome to JG -Jù§t Gàmè§ #c8#(#c1#(#c7#(#c8#%NAME%#c7#)#c1#)#c8#) #c1#You ready to trade some of your #c8#%FILES% files. #c2#Please read room rules above.</out>