Limewire a Gnutella network client has been seeing a fair few fake files recently, in a copycat move to that seen on WinMX they are targeting Limewire users with spoofed results etc.
It also seems that as you can specify the client type to the network its being used to target only Limewire clients, many of the other Gnutella clients are not being affected.
This then looks like the old war of attrition, where the disruption companies endeavour to drive away all users, legal sharers or copyright infringers in indiscriminate attacks on the network infrastructure.
I think many will find a home on winmx using the revolutionary fake results filter from winmxgroup, after all its our legal right to be able to share whether they like it or not.
I'll be watching to see whats going to happen next and keep you all up to date on it.