Uh oh another monopoly creating event in the offing folks :shock:
http://www.godwinslaw.org/weblog/archive/2005/09/09/riaas-big-push-to-copy-protect-digital-radioNever mind that digital audio broadcasting is not significantly greater in quality than regular, analog radio. Never mind that its music quality is vastly less than than that of audio CDs. In spite of these inconvenient facts, the RIAA is hoping that the transition to "digital audio broadcasting" will provide enough confusion and panic that they can persuade Congress or the FCC to impose some kind of copy-protection scheme or regulation on digital radio broadcast.
Immediately below is the text of the joint resolution by RIAA and other groups, asking Congress to copy-protect radio (which has never been copy-protected before). Following that is RIAA's "one-pager" outlining for Congress the reasons RIAA offers for Congress to authorize the FCC to put in place a copy-protection scheme for radio. (Note the use of the term "HD Radio" -- implying that there's something "high-definition" about digital audio broadcasting, even though everyone who knows anything about digital audio broadcast content knows it's of much lower quality than that of audio CDs.)
I read the page on the site folks and it was pure garbage, I wonder who they think they are
After all that blustering folks way down the page comes this weak rememberance of your traditional rights
What we are NOT trying to do
The recording industry is not seeking to (1) stop or delay the rollout of HD Radio; (2) prevent consumers from listening to radio as they do today; (3) prevent time-shifting
Thats exactly what they do want to do, there is no way both the radio listeners and the industry can settle the middle ground here, either they control all music 100% worldwide and all forms of distribution or we the public allow them a monopoly in certain fields , they have no right to make demands like this to congress in the sneaky way they do without the publicity hype that goes with all of their other announcements
I especially like the "let the FCC have time" to do this and that etc, we could see how impartial they are :roll: after the broadcast flag was declared illegal that they sponsored though congress for the monopoly industries, talk about "paid for" democracy.