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Funmode by 'Site'
« on: May 31, 2007, 11:40:47 am »
This was recently brought to our attention, this script is the original 'Lottery' as he's explained it to me with addition of "quotes and fortunes".  Site spent many long hours perfecting this script and there was some concern that his work had been credited to 'Andy' on the MXContol sites.  Its great to find the original maker, Thanks Site.

He's been kind enough to allow us to post it on site for use and a thanks to him wouldn't hurt either if you find it useful folks....

Here are the notes from Site as posted on MXControl site with the script.  He's asked me to add them here for you as follows:
I'm posting this as I had promised - this is the entire funmode.xml exactly as it's been since I've finished writing it in November 2004 - I used this with Metis 2.43 in my winmx server-hosted room (Site's World). This is for archival purposes, mainly. There's already a newer version of this I've worked on for a while that I'm just picking up on again (especially now after testing on 2.80b1m4 that xml entities pose no more troubles) - I'll be posting that after I get a decent-working version going.

Modifications to make/consider before running this script:

    * Replace alladmins or make that group in your usergroups file- those users will be able to turn on and off the funmode. You might want to add usergroup="alladmins" or your own group to the !count command - if you have a large number of quotes it may become a problem for someone to keep triggering it.
    * This was designed to run in a winmx-hosted room - thus the /setuserlevel commands. To adapt it to the appropriate room, you will have to look through and change the incompatible commands. (such as #\r\n# to #NEWLINE# in WCS). Also, check the /kickbans in prizes #11 and #12 - these are supposed to be timed bans, but as far as I know, WCS doesn't have timed bans, only permanent ones... not sure what the case is with the other servers - so you may want to change these prizes altogether.
    * Replace "D:\Program Files\Metis 2.4\Add-Ons\" with the path to your quotes and fortunes files.
    * Create a quotes.txt and a fortune.txt in the folder specified by the path. I've a set of quotes from an old quote-displaying program, hand-picked for fortunes by a friend of mine and reformatted by me for use with this script, but I'm not certain about potential copyright issues so I'm not bundling it with the script. You can contact me directly if you want those, though. Be forewarned, it's 4503 quotes and 1158 fortunes lol... it'll take some time to count up before it's ready (30-150 seconds) lol.


    * The commands available in this script are:
      !funmode on/off - turn funmode on or off (alladmins group only)
      !funmode stat - status of funmode - on or off
      !funmode help - displays available funmode commands
      !count - counts quotes and fortunes and displays the two counts after they're done. MUST be done before !quote and !fortune can be used.
      !lottery - play the lottery
      !quote - hear a quote
      !fortune - hear a fortune
    * IMPORTANT: You need to do a !count each time Metis is run before the !quote and !fortune commands can be used - otherwise, you'll always get quote and fortune #1!
    * Adding prizes for the lottery is easy - you can copy and paste an existing one and just change rvalue to the new prize number, then edit the prize. Remember to change the %RANDOMNUM[36]% to the number of prizes available after you're done adding, or else the new ones will not show up. The prizes are listed in reverse order to ease adding prizes and remembering the RANDOMNUM detail.

Code: [Select]
<command flood="15" type="script" usergroup="">
<in>!funmode stat</in>
<out condition="==" lvalue="ON" rvalue="%USERVAR[3]%">Fun Mode is ON</out>
<out condition="!=" lvalue="ON" rvalue="%USERVAR[3]%">Fun Mode is OFF</out>

<command type="script" usergroup="alladmins">
<in>!funmode on</in>
<out>Fun Mode has been turned ON</out>
<out> Type "!funmode help" for Fun Mode commands</out>
<out type="push" extdata="3">ON</out>

<command type="script" usergroup="alladmins">
<in>!funmode off</in>
<out>Fun Mode has been turned OFF</out>
<out type="push" extdata="3">OFF</out>

<command flood="15" type="script" usergroup="" condition="==" lvalue="ON" rvalue="%USERVAR[3]%">
<in>!funmode help</in>
<out>!lottery - Draw a lottery prize... be careful, it may hurt! (Once every 10 seconds)</out>
<out>!quote - Hear a random quote. (Once every 10 seconds)</out>
<out>!fortune - Hear a random fortune. (Once every 10 seconds)</out>
<out>!count - Count fortunes and quotes. (Once every 30 seconds)</out>

// lottery drawing script
<command flood="10" type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[3]%" rvalue="ON">
<out>Drawing prize for %NAME%..</out>
<out type="push" extdata="4"><operator type="+" lvalue="%RANDOMNUM[36]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out delay="4000">%NAME% Won Prize #%USERVAR[4]%!</out>
// Prize #36
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="36">Prize: *New and Improved!* Crayola!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="36">())))_C_r_a_y_o_l_a_))))></out>
// Prize #35
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="35">Prize: A Few Chocolate Chip Cookies!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="35">(:-:)(:-:)(:-:)(:-:)(:-:)</out>
// Prize #34
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="34">Prize: A Chocolate Chip Cookie!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="34">(:-:)</out>
// Prize #33
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="33">Prize: Two Acorns!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="33">&lt;(}#\r\n#&lt;(}</out>
// Prize #32
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="32">Prize: An Acorn!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="32">&lt;(}</out>
// Prize #31
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="31">Prize: Glasses!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="31">~O-O~</out>
// Prize #30
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="30">Prize: TickleFest 2004!</out>
<out delay="1000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="30">/me tickles %NAME%!</out>
<out delay="2000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="30">/me tickles %NAME% more!</out>
<out delay="2000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="30">/me still tickles! %NAME%'s stomach is starting to hurt!</out>
<out delay="2000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="30">/me goes on top of %NAME% to prevent escape and keeps tickling!</out>
// Prize #29
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="29">Prize: Nothing!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="29">/me gives %NAME% a HUUUUMONGOUS Nothing! :)</out>
<out delay="2000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="30">/me gets off %NAME%! %NAME% now fades away into the chair, spent from pleasure of being tickled!</out>
// Prize #28
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="28">Prize: Random Level (5-200)!</out>
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="28" type="push" extdata="5"><operator type="+" lvalue="%RANDOMNUM[196]%" rvalue="5"/></out>
<out delay="1000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="28">/setuserlevel %RAWNAME% %USERVAR[5]%</out>
// Prize #27
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="27">Prize: Trout-Slapper!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="27">/me slaps %NAME% around with a large trout!</out>
// Prize #26
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="26">Prize: Smoocher!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="26">/me gives %NAME% a loud and wet SMOOOCH!</out>
// Prize #25
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="25">Prize: Poke-r!</out>
<out delay="3000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="25">/me pokes %NAME% in the ribs</out>
<out delay="2000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="25">/me pokes %NAME% in the buttcheeks</out>
<out delay="2000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="25">/me pokes %NAME% in the cheeks</out>
<out delay="2000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="25">/me pokes %NAME% in the shoulder</out>
<out delay="2000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="25">/me then pokes %NAME% all over! :P</out>
// Prize #24
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="24">Prize: Violent Cuddle!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="24">/me throws %NAME% violently onto the sofa</out>
<out delay="1000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="24">/me starts cuddling %NAME% away!</out>
// Prize #23
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="23">Prize: Daily Double #2! Bugger Off and Kick!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="23">,.I..  c(-_-)o  ..I.,</out>
<out delay="1000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="23">/kick %RAWNAME%</out>
// Prize #22
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="22">Prize: Daily Double #1! Huggle and Kiss!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="22">((((((%NAME%))))))</out>
<out delay="1000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="22">*SMACK* :)</out>
// Prize #21
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="21">Prize: A Cutsey Huggle!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="21">((((((%NAME%))))))</out>
// Prize #20
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="20">Prize: A Bugger Off!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="20">,.I..  c(-_-)o  ..I.,</out>
// Prize #19
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="19">Prize: Mug'o'Beer!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="19">|_P</out>
// Prize #18
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="18">Prize: A Sword!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="18">0==][----------------- ></out>
// Prize #17
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="17">Prize: A Dagger!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="17">0==][----- ></out>
// Prize #16
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="16">Prize: A Fish!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="16">}~{(((({*></out>
// Prize #15
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="15">Prize: 3 Shots of Vodka!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="15">( )_[Vodka]_)>= \_/ \_/ \_/</out>
<out delay="1000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="15">Drink up!</out>
// Prize #14
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="14">Prize: Hugged by the Bot!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="14">ROOOOOAAAR!</out>
<out delay="2000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="14">/me gives %NAME% a bear hug!</out>
// Prize #13
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="13">Prize: Kissed by the Bot!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="13">*SMACK* :)</out>
// Prize #12
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="12">Prize: A KickBan for 1 minute!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="12">/kickban %RAWNAME% 1</out>
// Prize #11
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="11">Prize: A KickBan for 2 minutes!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="11">/kickban %RAWNAME% 2</out>
// Prize #10
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="10">Prize: A Crayola!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="10">( )))_Crayola_)))></out>
// Prize #9
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="9">Prize: Kick in the Rear End!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="9">/kick %RAWNAME%</out>
// Prize #8
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="8">Prize: Getting Gagged!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="8">/setuserlevel %RAWNAME% 5</out>
// Prize #7
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="7">Prize: Immature Level!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="7">/setuserlevel %RAWNAME% 10</out>
// Prize #6
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="6">Prize: Polish Drinking Age Level!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="6">/setuserlevel %RAWNAME% 18</out>
// Prize #5
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="5">Prize: Illinois Drinking Age Level!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="5">/setuserlevel %RAWNAME% 21</out>
// Prize #4
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="4">Prize: Regular Level!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="4">/setuserlevel %RAWNAME% 65</out>
// Prize #3
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="3">Prize: Temporary VIP!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="3">/setuserlevel %RAWNAME% 120</out>
// Prize #2
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="2">Prize: Temporary OP!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="2">/setuserlevel %RAWNAME% 150</out>
// Prize #1
<out condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="1">Prize: Temporary Admin!</out>
<out delay="5000" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[4]%" rvalue="1">/setuserlevel %RAWNAME% 200</out>

// quote and fortune counter
<command flood="30" type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[3]%" rvalue="ON" mode="thread">
<out type="pop" extdata="7"/>
<out type="push" extdata="7"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[7]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="9"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="D:\Program Files\Metis 2.4\Add-Ons\quotes.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[7]%"/></out>
<out type="goto" extdata="-2" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[9]%" rvalue=""></out>
<out type="push" extdata="7"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[7]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>There are %USERVAR[7]% quotes.</out>
<out type="pop" extdata="8"/>
<out type="push" extdata="8"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[8]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="10"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="D:\Program Files\Metis 2.4\Add-Ons\fortune.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[8]%"/></out>
<out type="goto" extdata="-2" condition="!=" lvalue="%USERVAR[10]%" rvalue=""></out>
<out type="push" extdata="8"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[8]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>There are %USERVAR[8]% fortunes.</out>
// random quote picker
<command flood="10" type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[3]%" rvalue="ON">
<out type="push" extdata="7" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[7]%" rvalue="1">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="11">%RANDOMNUM[65535]%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="12"><operator type="%" lvalue="%USERVAR[11]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[7]%"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="12"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[12]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="9"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="D:\Program Files\Metis 2.4\Add-Ons\quotes.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[12]%"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="19"><operator type="strlen" lvalue="%USERVAR[9]%"/></out>
<out type="push">%USERVAR[19]%</out>
<out>Quote #%USERVAR[12]%:</out>
<out type="push" extdata="14">%USERVAR[9]%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="15"><operator type="strlen" lvalue="%USERVAR[14]%"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="17"><operator type="strfind" lvalue="%USERVAR[14]%" rvalue="#\r\n#"/></out>
<out type="goto" extdata="7" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[17]%" rvalue="-1"></out>
<out type="push" extdata="17"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[17]%" rvalue="6"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="16"><operator type="strtrm" lvalue="%USERVAR[14]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[17]%"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="18"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[15]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[17]%"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="14"><operator type="strright" lvalue="%USERVAR[14]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[17]%"/></out>
<out type="goto" extdata="1"></out>

// random fortune picker
<command flood="10" type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[3]%" rvalue="ON">
<out type="push" extdata="8" condition="<" lvalue="%USERVAR[8]%" rvalue="1">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="11">%RANDOMNUM[65535]%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="13"><operator type="%" lvalue="%USERVAR[11]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[8]%"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="13"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[13]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="10"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="D:\Program Files\Metis 2.4\Add-Ons\fortune.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="%USERVAR[13]%"/></out>
<out>Fortune #%USERVAR[13]%:#\r\n#%USERVAR[10]%</out>

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Funmode by 'Site'
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2007, 03:45:32 pm »
Might I ask that the codes be attached in the from of .xml files if the are so long? :?

Cheers :P
Reconnect to winmx with the blocking patch :)
Patch link :

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Re: Funmode by 'Site'
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2007, 05:06:36 pm »
Your wish has been granted ...  :wink:

Offline Bearded Blunder

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Re: Funmode by 'Site'
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2007, 07:04:49 pm »
* Bearded Blunder wonders what's hard about select / copy / paste in notepad
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall not be disappointed.

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Re: Funmode by 'Site'
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2007, 03:54:18 am »
Hey, thanks for this Site. Can see you have gone to alot of trouble to get across to people that you made this script..

Nice 1 ;)

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Re: Funmode by 'Site'
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2007, 06:29:16 am »
Sweet thanks Site & Me Here ..I'm going to try it in my bot . 8)

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