Seems the legal download sites are worried that all the attacks on P2P systems are going to impact on them also. seeming like big wins for the music industry, the recent legal victories might turn out to be hollow. This week, Apple CEO Steve Jobs indicated the deals he had fashioned with the music labels were in danger of falling apart because of the music industry's greed.
More significantly, Jobs pointed out that piracy could be given a boost if demands from the record labels forced Apple to push prices above 99 cents a song.
But some industry observers are not worried about the market direction for file-sharing networks. The legitimacy of P2P systems as a technology -- apart from their use to trade music illegally -- is the foundation for businesses such as Audible Magic.
Let the industies "rabid dog" approch backfire on them, I for one will not have any pity with their demise in fortunes :twisted: