Once again we are being treated to another of Cary and Michs big brain busting ideas, yes its the return to sue those who are vulnerable and not likely to be able to defend themselves against the Cartel extortion scam
http://www.boingboing.net/2007/03/01/npr_xeni_tech_riaa_v.htmlThe RIAA recently sent out 400 "pre-litigation settlement letters" to students accused of illegal downloading at 13 universities, and launched p2plawsuits.com, where the accused are invited to avoid lawsuits by turning themselves in and paying fines online.
Targeting minors is unethical as well as illegal in many lands, things are made easy for the RIAA by some colleges refusing to aid those accused without proof and yet seem more than willing to deliver a specific name to an IP when asked, does this sound like some campuses are receiving "donations" for this activity for publicity reasons ?
Its also highly likely that those accused where not even the operator of the said computers, how can they allow this extortion against their students ?