Hello, found a script on the net and i edited like this:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no">
<command type="random" usergroup="" users="">
<in usergroup="" users="" case="0" regex="0">*Hello*</in>
<out delay="200" type="normal" extdata="0">Hello %NAME%, welcome to our room!</out>
<out delay="200" type="normal" extdata="0">Hello %NAME%, how's you?</out>
<out delay="200" type="normal" extdata="0">Hiya %NAME%</out>
<out delay="200" type="normal" extdata="0">Hello there</out>
<out delay="200" type="normal" extdata="0">Hi Hi Friend</out>
saved it to an xml file and included in the main mxc
even tried it in the main mxc (w/o the config lines, of course)
i have no usergroups defined; metis bot is admin and working fine, still cannot make it work when someone says hello
is this script correct? or seems something is missing?
thanks in advance