This is a well written read folks mass propaganda techniques identical to those originally developed in the early part of the 20th century and honed to perfection by the Nazis during World War II, the Big 4 have been able to turn a purely commercial transgression, copyright infringement, into a major crime on the scale of rape and murder, calling people who share copyrighted music with each other 'criminals' and 'thieves,' although no crime has been committed and nothing has been stolen.
"Propagandists use a variety of propaganda techniques to influence opinions and to avoid the truth," says the Center for Media & Democracy. "Often these techniques rely on some element of censorship or manipulation, either omitting significant information or distorting it."
It's also called 'spin' and mis- and disinformation maestros such as the RIAA's Mitch Bainwol and Cary Sherman distort and twist the truth to suit the ends of their masters, the major record labels who use these techniques to uphold completely unsupportable claims against people such as Tanya, a disabled mother living on medical benefits and her daughter Kylee, who's only 10.
The Big 4, so rich that it'll probably never be possible to assess their true worth, claim unblushingly that the Andersens and people like them are "devastating" them and causing terrible distress to both artists and record industry workers.
While we are forced to hear the complaints of the cartels on the (dis)information channels they operate, the public perception is always going to be skewed, luckily enough folks exist online to be able to counter any propaganda locally, this folks is our role and its a team effort on behalf of us all to each take our role in making sure the facts , not the fiction are delivered where possible.