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Author Topic: The WinMX world cannot thrive with too many childish Admins like HBO's around...  (Read 4587 times)

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Offline Hiking

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This letter is both a Hello (since I had not previously noticed this "Say Hello to the community"), and a possible future Goodbye, unless the WinMX community can convince me that it, as a whole, does not condone room admins running their channels with careless bad judgement as their operating principle.   Well... maybe this letter is more of a rant... yes, I guess it's more of a rant...

The pinheaded behaviour of the HBO admins gives the WinMX community a bad name, and I believe room admins such as they will negatively impact this community in the long run.  I am already in the process of looking for alternatives to WinMX as a result of my mistreatment as a guest of their room.

Simply put, I logged into their channel, said "Hello everyone" to the room, and after a min or two, went about managing my transfer queues (if there had been questions or any chat directed at me before I left the room window to go look at my Transfer queues, I did not notice them/it).  Attempting to return to the room a few mins later, I found I was no longer in the room, and thought that I must have accidentally dropped from the room.  I repeated the same proceedure as before on re-entering the room, and soon found myself kicked from the room again (this time around I realized that I probably hadn't "accidentally dropped" the first time)... at no time did I ever notice anyone speaking to me or asking any questions of me. 

What I did notice this time around, however, a second before getting kicked, was someone (I didn't notice the nic/username) asking "Are you gonna answer Hiking?".  Oh... so that's what's happening, why I'm dropping from the room... so I logged in again and started typing "Who was asking a question, and what was it?", but didn't get a chance to finish typing it 'cause I was kicked again a third time. 

Hmmm... looks like the kids have got run of the house over there... rather than behaving like pinheads, why aren't they just messaging me to notify me that I'm expected to be at the room, or to just to ask me that all-important question of theirs?

Since I was not being given time to type a response before being kicked, I logged on again and started typing one word at a time:

ans   Kick!... again...

Wow, this admin is really being an arse... here I am, not realizing I was being asked a question, then noticing his "Are you gonna answer Hiking?", and trying to  ask what this was all about, then being kicked before I have time to ask or answer... all together now: "What a pinhead!, what a Pube!... where are the parents?"

When I tried to log on again to try to find out what all this was about, I realized I was now banned from the room, as I could log onto other rooms, but not onto HBO.

Why my rant? 

Well I guess 'cause I see all these postings on this forum about how you'd like everyone to work together to make the WinMX community stronger, to prevent it from disintegrating, and I thought it might be good to bring attention to the fact that there are some members of this community that are actively working to alienate people from this community.

I had been around for approx. one year, then had a hard drive crash, and was out for approx. one year, and have now rejoined for approx. the last 4 months.  During all this time, I've had five queues open 24/7, constantly uploading files to people at a total average rate of 80 Kbps upload. 

I am uploading A LOT of files to A LOT of people all the time, hassle free (I don't ask anything of anyone for them to get their files).  I am sharing music, apps, movies, docs, books, and comedy (3000 files).  People who queue up, in my queue, get their files (except for the occasions where the connections are bad and uploads time out of course, we all know about this unfortunate aspect of the network).  Occasionally I find files of interest that the uploaders have in their queues, and msg them asking if I might be able to dload my file when my turn's up.  I do not interfere with their dload and trust that they will treat me as I did they when the time comes.  Sometimes I get shafted, but I accept that. 

I consider my file transfer code of conduct to be very beneficial to the WinMX network, since users find in my queues a no-hassle, fast dload experience, as opposed to many other queues where one is not allowed to dload unless logged into a specific room.  Some are considerate enough to msg you and let you know what room they expect you to park in if you want to get your file from them, but most just let your connection attempt time out.  I always try to thank as many ppl as possible for my dloads, and go "beyond the call of duty" to help everyone who messages me (those who are not sociable enough to msg just wait their turn, but they do get their dload(s) in the end).  If you have dloaded from me and are reading this post, and can vouch for what I'm saying, it would be appreciated.

I did, however, the other day, msg a HBO user telling him that I couldn't let him dload from me 'cause he was part of a room that was allowing the kids to rule the roost, but later msg'd him again telling him that I just needed a bit of time to calm down and that I should be able to help him... nic of #c6# or #c66#, or something of the sort, if you're reading this, go ahead and requeue, I don't believe you had anything to do with this.

Lastly, I'm ranting because, as I said above, I can accept that a regular user may be a leech, but I have more difficulty accepting that WinMX admins, who in a sense are the cops and ambassadors of the WinMX network, are behaving in a manner as to harm the network.  I do not for one second believe that someone who would treat me in the manner I was treated as a guest of their room is not maliciously handling other guests to their room similarly.  I'm certain there have been others.  These people are representatives of the network and as such should be held to a standard as to represent the WinMX network in a positive light. 

Well I guess that's my rant... I just wanted to vent... thanks for listening.

P.S.  As I mentioned, I had not said "Boo!" to anyone on HBO (other than saying Hello to the room upon entering) before my mistreatment on that channel.  A day or two afterward, still not able to log onto that channel, I did change temporarily change my tag/nic/username and IP address and did log onto HBO, asking who was the pinhead admin who banned me?, what was the all-important question that I was not given chance to answer, and did use one cuss word as the situation escalated because they didn't think I should call the admin in question a pinhead, so I can say that I was in the wrong to use a cuss word.  The pinhead part, however, nothing could be done about that... as the fella was being a pinhead... one cannot turn a truth into a lie.

Offline Mick832

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Welcome to WinMX chat rooms.   They are all run independently and really cannot be controlled.   If you are such a good sharer as you say, then simply try another room.   You will find there are rooms of all different types and run by different age groups with different tastes.

Find one that treats you a bit better.

Offline Hiking

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Thanks Mick, sorry, I forgot to mention (I was thinking about it as I was writing earlier, but forgot to add it in later) that I've met some great ppl on the MX network, ppl who share, ppl who one can talk with as well and who seem like genuinely good souls.

I treat everyone I encounter on MX with respect and was incensed beyond my ability to restrain myself from ranting... I think I may have got it mostly all out of my system now...

Offline ]-[êll.Ôñ.ËÀR'][']-[.

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as this is a decentralised network Hiking  there is no controll over who can open a room or what d/load policy ppl use .... have you thought about possibly hosting a room of your own.... this way you can set your own standards in hosting & file shareing.
The typing one word at a time as you did will get you auto kicked from most rooms as a lot have flood allert built in ..meaning no one person kicked you it was just as likely a auto kick by the server
whilst i can see where you are comming from confronting admins in rooms such as these will only serve to get you kicked and banned ........ perhaps a descreat pm to admins will serve you better in future explaining what has gone on ......if no sucess then this room is not the one for you i said b4 anyone can open a room & whilst this can often end up with idiots running rooms it also has the benifit of a lot of good room hosts also ..... often a hop round a few rooms and a quick chat with ppl will pick out the good from the bad
i also commend your "transfer code of conduct " its great to see from users such as yourself & makes you a valuble member of the comunity its just a shame a lot more ppl dont adopt this kind of file shareing attitude ....but like i said b4 its a case sometimes of trying to educate ppl in this in order to build a better network


hiking you are missunderstanding what has happened m8. hbo were having issues other day with bot kicking peeps from the room.
this also happened to me m8 about 6 times. the issues has since been fixed and everything is bk to normal. so it`s nothing personnel against you m8. and if ya took the time to pm a admin from hbo or myself you would have been told this. if everyone comunicates before
saying anything missunderstandings wont happen.  next time m8 speak to admin and we`ll clear the issue up for ya

Offline tig

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Hi All

I have moved these all together as it seems to be a discussion about it. Also that is seems better to get handled under one topic than two.

People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. BY Norman Vincent Peale

Offline ']['affy

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i agree with mick,,, i have been know to be  a member of a few movie room  in many yrs on mx and there are alot more better rooms out there, just cos the size of the room is high doesnt mean its 1 of the best ones. Your best chances are pop into a few talk share have a good chat, then u will know if its good or not..... i could name a few for u but i think thats unjust as admins have made a good job in many yrs to keep there room to the highest standard for its members and regs just cos 1 room treats u unjust, dont worry about it, there are plenty of better rooms on mx that u could enjoy. hope this helps u out dont leave mx because of 1 room.

Offline Mick832

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¤Mñº¤ ÙþÌñ§Möke has said it was a prolem with a bot.   Maybe that is the case.    To be fair maybe give them another chance and go back in as you did once before with a different username and see what they are like now.

Otherwise, happy room visiting.

Offline ñòóKýçrÕôK

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First of all, good deal on the trading policy. There are times I get a bit upset at some people's trading policies. I'm not a fan of the "come to my room or no download" policy as I feel that a user with that policy is unfair to the network. How can you as a sharer download from pretty much anywhere on WinMX that you want to, require another sharer to have to come to your room to download from you to get what they want? I have heard other people complain about HBO, but I've also noticed that the people who do are usually some pretty big "A"holes themselves so you really never know how much stock to put into what they say. I know of rooms that work together and endorse each other's rooms. To me it's a very good policy. Let's face it folks. We are a community. We really must work together. By that I mean if I come to your room needing a file and it's of a kind your room specializes in, if it's not in your room and you can say "hold on let me check so n so's room" and you find the file I want or need, that benefits both rooms and gets them attention. And who knows, next time that room has a user looking for a file, maybe they'll send you a visitor. Hiking the one thing I can say for sure is it does seem kind of weird to get a pm from someone who just downloaded from you but it almost always makes me feel good knowing I could get someone a file they wanted. Give HBO another chance. Even if it comes out good don't limit yourself to just that 1 room. Spread the good sharing around. If giving them another chance goes bad then you know they aren't the room for you and you move on.
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As a host I have never required any certain requirements except NO KIDDIE PORN and that is a major one in most rooms. How can you say rather or not you have not enough files to come in a room where there is more then sharing files go on there is also chat! I have also been downloading off people saying if I didnt come to their room well I cant get the file off them. So does this go back too some kind of control on winmx and who might better well in someones aspect yes but in mine I think its just some that is missing yet the big picture again! Which is sad !! And there is over 1200 channels you can go into and not only *movie rooms* have movies in shares and all so there isnt no sense getting hung up on one channel.........really when you have so many more to chose from :).
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Offline -=[HBO]=- GeMzY

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Speaking as a "childish" over 35 admin of HBO i can say on their behalf that none of the admins are power trippers or kick without good reason, we don't demand ppl park although it is nice when they come along and participate, we don't share only with members even though members do get a priority, i personally do not download on winmx, haven't for 3 years when i hosted but i bring all the latest releases to winmx to share with the community, most ppl that download off me can confirm they don't need a certain tag to get a start, HBO has a good name on winmx and i for one would like it to stay that way, many ppl come looking for [HBO] tagged files as they know they won't be mislabelled or sad quality, anybody with a problem in our room should pm an admin who will look into it and hopefully resolve the issues, i'm just sorry sum1 has felt a need to to take this matter so public and i pray for a quick resolve

Offline jamess20052002

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I am  50 years old and  I was in the room so I saw what happened. He forgot to mention that the admit had told him several times that he was not banned and he even called our admin a mother f*****, still  he wasn't banned till we noticed  he clonned a room name and it was only then that he was banned from the room.
I have been on winmx for a long time, long b4 it was closed for the first time  and I am proud to be a member of HBO. We are over there to share files not only to our members but to the whole wimx community.
I also bring the latest films to winmx to share with the community.
The thing that all my friends in winmx should know is that we are a big community and like any other big community you can find a bad apple.

Offline Hiking

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Re: The WinMX world cannot thrive with too many certain Admins like HBO's
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2007, 03:48:38 am »
Hello Jemzi, I appreciate your post, and am quite confident that if you had been admin'ing the room on that night in question, when I had to change my tags to get back into the HBO room to find out why I had been kicked and banned for not answering a question that I hadn't realized I'd been asked, things wouldn't have escalated to where they did that night.  You appear to be a person who's lived life experiences, and I'm certain you've noticed in the course of your interactions with others that if the other party can detect from your tone or demeanour the slightest hint of willingness to understand or listen, that this in itself is almost always sufficient to defuse even the most taught of situations.  Sounds like you would at least have been willing to listen, which is all it would have taken to get me to back down and apologize for the pinhead comment. 

I changed the subject line to reflect that it is only certain of HBO's admins that are unable to excersize proper restraint and due care while weilding their power over the room they are administering, as my offensive would seemingly not apply to individuals such as yourself.

And hello Jump-the-Gun James,

It is very obvious that you did not read my post, as you still don't appear to have a grasp of what transpired.  May I assist you in adjusting your reading glasses to help clarify a few points for you James?

1 - It states clearly in my post that I did use a cuss word.

2 - I changed my IP and logged onto HBO asking what pinhead admin had kicked and banned me for not answering a question I had not realized was being asked.  Now that we've adjusted your glasses, you notice that I did mention that I called a pinhead whatever admin had kicked/banned me?  You see it now?  Keep reading now... you notice that I did admit that I was wrong to have logged back onto HBO and called the admin a pinhead (It's at the end of my post James).

3 - I WAS banned, I repeatedly could not log onto HBO until such time as I had changed my IP and NIC.

4 - The admins kept saying I wasn't banned as they were looking for either my newly assumed NIC (WhiteRabbit), or more likely than not, they were looking in the log for my new IP, which of course they wouldn't have found.  When I mentioned Hiking, they couldn't remember.  I suggest to you that this shows with just how much careless disregard they banned me... without even a second thought... so how could they have remembered a day or two later then?

4 - I am not complaining about being banned from HBO now... I was indeed pissed about having been mishandled initially, but after having re-logged onto HBO (while by-passing their ban), and being told by two admins at this time that they DIDN'T CARE who had done what and why, that it's their room and they can do what they want, and after one of them said that it was he who had banned me 'cause he just felt like it (though you were there and "saw" everything, are you selectively choosing to forget this part James?), it was roughly at this point... after having again been kicked once or twice, that I did tell Mr. Antagonism "Ban me, pinhead mother******".  Yes, that was wrong, I was wrong to say what I did, but I really cannot say that I'm sorry about this.  As I mentioned above, when I came back in and stated/pleaded my case that I had been unjustly kicked/banned, both admins essentially made it clear that they didn't give a sh**, and both were very antagonistic (bet you a twenty you're choosing to forget this part as well), which is why I was not ready at that point to back down from my "pinhead" comment (yes James, I'm am now talking about events before that transpired before I used the MOFO word).  Had these two shown the very slightest of interest in my complaint, just any kind of sign that they would be willing to listen if I were to retract the pinhead comment, I most certainly would have calmed down and made ammends.  THEY DID NOT CARE... so neither did I, and neither do I, having had a glimpse of what these two are like.

5 - After having dealt with these two HBO admins, I had, and have no interest in getting back onto HBO after getting a taste of these two admins' underlying personalities, which is why I told them to ban me with the addition of a cuss word... 'cause I wanted to try to get a final parting shot in exchange for the blows they'd inflicted.

I did forget to mention in my previous posts that I tried, unsuccessfully, again later that evening, to log onto the channel to apologize to the rest of the HBO room for having used a cuss word (not to those admins, but to the rest of the HBO room), but was unable to change my IP to a different one again... when I would disconnect and re-connect my router, my IP was only changing between two different values, both of which HBO had put in their ban list.  I'm certain that their connection logs could corroborate this, but even more certain they would have no interest in admitting it. 

So lastly, I'll take this opportunity to apologize to all innocent HBO members for having subjected them to my foul keyboard.

Offline Stevi

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I think that more people should read the warning before clicking OK. If they would, topics like this wouldnt exist.

Offline Mizz

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personally speaking....i feel this topic should never have found its way onto this forum...its single's out one room by fault of 2 admins... thus slandering the whole room in the process.....these kinds of matters should be solved behind the scenes through PM if possible...when this is not a possibility then its best to drop the matter....accept the fact u are banned from said room and move on to a room better suited to you...

The forum is not the place to fight your personal battles against any one room...its all hearsay to begin with...if you get kicked out of the room there is ALWAYS the option to use PM to get to any of the admins....and plead your very sorry that u feel the way u do and for the way u got treated but to post this whole story on a public forum is wrong in my are giving a whole room a bad name when it concerned 2 people to start with...granted they might have had HBO tags yet to go about solving your problems like this is wrong.

Its easy to say that something has happend to you in a certain room....people will read it and the damage will be long as it isnt backed up by is still hearsay....i realize this might be a harsh thing to read but next time do yourself a favor....dont post these kinds of things on a public forum....this is not the way to solve your beef with a room. this is in no way ment to offend anyone but lets be honoust here....this is a "he said, she said" kind of situation and nothing more...and it should have not been turned into a topic on a public forum.

If God, in his infinite Wisdom, made me an Atheist...then who are you to Question him ?

Offline Hiking

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Re: The WinMX world cannot thrive with too many childish Admins like HBO's aroun
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2007, 10:25:13 pm »
Well I'll have to agree with you Mizz.  I still am not certain which admin it was that was asking a question of me that other evening, I only briefly saw the question and was kicked, and since I didn't expect to be banned and thought I would be allowed to ask what it was he wanted to ask me, I didn't make an effort to make certain to catch his NIC.

While I was targeting this admin and the two others I had the privilege of chatting with the other evening, I believe you are right that this could potentially affect the others and if this were the case it certainly wouldn't be fair to these others who are probably for the most part very well intentioned and predisposed in a direction opposite to the "gentlemen" of whom I am referring to.

And so to that effect, perhaps I might ask of this forum's admin to delete this thread?

Offline tig

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I have sent a pm to Hiking and waiting on reply.
People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. BY Norman Vincent Peale

Offline ']['affy

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Re: The WinMX world cannot thrive with too many childish Admins like HBO's aroun
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2007, 07:37:40 am »
i think the thread need to stop now as it has no bearing on helping someone on mx only to have a bitch at 1 room and there rules if this carries on we will have everyone comin here and makin an allegation on there misstreatment of other rooms

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Re: The WinMX world cannot thrive with too many childish Admins like HBO's aroun
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2007, 12:46:32 pm »
Locked @ Origninal Posters request

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